March 21

Lab 9: Poster Presentations

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The main goal of this weeks lab was to present our rough draft scientific posters and receive critiques from our peers and instructors. We did this in order to get feedback that will help us improve our posters in time for the submission deadline next week.

Critiques and revisions to be made: 

-Create a data table that will contain our soil metadata.

-Revise figure captions to be more detailed and informative on what the audience is seeing in the figures.

– Revise the conclusion by adding in conclusive sentences that explain our interpretations the data/future possible studies/data analysis/and information on why finding DNA is significant for Baylor CILICURE.

-In order to reduce a waste of space, crop pictures.

-Delete the abstract section of our poster and make it an introduction instead.

-Since we are not sure how are information facts studies on oak wilt, mention it in future studies.

-Since we will not receive data on metabarcoding or data analysis, delete it from our methods flow chart.


– Edit the methods section by revising the paragraph and making it less repetitive. Revise the flowchart by making it larger.

-Include image of zone O, where we found our tree,  in comparison to area and decrease image of tree.

-Add in arrows on the figures to indicate which samples are ours and label gels.

-Change the title to eDNA in Baylor University Soil and the Importance of the Biodiversity of Ciliates Within the Environment

-Include a picture of a ciliate.

-include more background/ general information about ciliates in the introduction.

Future Goals: 

In the future, I will continue to work on this scientific poster and I will focus on adding in revisions in order top incorporate some of the suggestions that my group received from our peers and instructors.


Posted March 21, 2019 by leslie_morales2 in category Uncategorized

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