October 26

Lab 10: Finalizing Lab Report Draft 10/26/17

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Today, the goal of lab was to present our final figures and receive advice about how to make the best figure to put in our lab reports. After the presentations the majority of class was spent on finalizing our rough drafts. The main goal of class today was to be able to ask questions and find out how to structure these lab reports.


The purpose of today was to prepare us for our final presentation at the end of the course as well as for submitting our final revision of our lab reports. Today gave much insight into the future and how we as a students will have to perform when presenting scientific information whether that may be within a report or an oral presentation.


1. Previously have finished a draft of the lab report with most to all sections completed.
2. Present the final draft of the group figure as well as record information from other groups which may be helpful to add it to the “Discussion” section of the report.
3. Work with your group to make any revisions to the final figure after the presentation.
4. Ask questions about Lab Report to ensure it is structured in the best way possible.
5. Finalize rough draft and submit it by the end of the class period.
6. Continue to work this draft before meeting with Felecia one on one.

Data and Observations:

Observing all of the other groups presentations helped my group in realizing what we ourselves needed to fix based on Dr. Adair’s comments. Our presentation was not perfect and we needed to correct moles per milliliter to micro moles per milliliter. Many students were struggling in similar ways as I am so listening in to the advice they were being given was very helpful to me when revising my own draft. There is no real quantitative data for this lab but everyone was working very hard to try and understand what they needed to do in order to finalize their drafts as well.

Future Goal:

After completing this rough draft, my goal is to continue to revise it and make it more presentable when I meet one on one with Felecia. I also hope to be able to write better more official lab reports in the future. Learning how to write these reports now will better help as a further my education at Baylor as well as any future research I participate in.

Posted October 26, 2017 by Kaitlyn Armijo in category BIO 1105 31, Kaitlyn Armijo

About the Author

Hi! My name is Kaitlyn Armijo, I am from Oceanside, California. I love listening to country music, caring about people and science! I aspire to be a radiation oncologist! #sicem

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