April 19

Lab 14: Poster Workshop 4/19/18

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The purpose of lab 14 was to work on our posters the entire time and to clear up any questions we may have concerning the poster. We were to make sure we knew what important information would go in each section and to make any corrections to our pre-lab abstract and titles.


No exact procedure was in place for this lab. We just showed up to class and got straight to work on making a clear poster. Also, we were to ask any questions about the poster we may have had.

Data & Observations:

This is a screenshot of our poster so far. We did not insert much of our information into the poster yet because are finishing typing up all the sections. However, Austin did insert the pie chart of the results, and I inserted the background section and references section. The whole class period I was working on making a clear and concise introduction that included background information and the purposes of the study and I also finished the references section. The picture may appear blurry because the quality of “PowerPoint Online” is very bad, but the only sections we really filled out were mine, and we inserted the table in the general area where it should be for the final draft.

Conclusion & Future Steps:

After today’s workshop, we got a lot of questions cleared up regarding the poster and its content on specific sections. This weekend I will continue working on it in order to get more feedback from Dr. Adair or Mr. Davis later next week. This will be helpful before having to present our final poster next Thursday. Overall, we got lots of work done and cleared up our main concerns, so now we just have to work hard to finish it up and make it look good.

Posted April 19, 2018 by christian_gomez1 in category Christian Gomez

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