March 30

Lab 11 Gel Electrophoresis Part 2

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The purpose of this lab was to use the gel molds we made last week to test the DNA from our sample.


We ended up having to us the gels from the other class because four of the gels from our lab froze. After we received a gel that was not frozen, we grabbed our samples that had undergone elongation and we pipetted them into the mold. They were already mixed with the loading dye, so all we had to do was measure out 5 uL of the ladder and 10 uL of everything else. Once they were all loaded, we ran the machine at 95v for 30+ minutes and listened to a presentation about what was going to be done to sequence our DNA. Then we were able to head upstairs with Dr. Adair to see if our samples were sucessful. And they were! Our eDNA showed similar patterns to the positive controls of each group, and our negative controls did not show up.


from left to right it’s

Ladder, -, +, eDNA, break, -, +, eDNA


This is so exciting! I’m glad that after a few different protocols we were able to find that worked. I was worried that like the last one, it was going to show promise in the nanodrop and then come up empty.We have stored our samples back in the rack with the tops labelled 1-6 and the sides labelled LSK. The next step will be to send our DNA that registered on the gel to a lab where they will sequence it and send it back to us.

Posted March 30, 2018 by lindsay_haag1 in category Lindsay Haag

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