Finding Furniture
If you are interested in an unfurnished apartment or house and do not want to bring a lot of furniture with you, Waco has several free and decently priced furniture options. Baylor Free and For Sale on Facebook is a great place to start, but we have included a few other options below.

Furnishings@First is a First Baptist Church ministry for graduate students only. Church members donate furniture, which grad students may borrow during their time at Baylor. The pick up dates will be on two Saturday mornings in August on the corner of 2nd & Clay at 606 S. 2nd St. For more information email Ryan Russell at

Consignment Store
The Consignment Furniture Showroom has a 25,000 sq. ft. showroom of sofas, bedroom sets, dining room sets, and all kinds of gently-used home furnishing. They will deliver and if you want to sell some furniture, they will give you a cut of the profits once your stuff is sold.