Leadership Descriptions
Each member of the CEGSS Leadership has an important role to serve. Read below to find out more about each leaders job description.

President/Vice President
The President and Vice President are complimentary roles that represent one member from CMHD and one from EEO. Ideally, the VP will replace the President after their 1 year tenure. These roles involve organizing meetings, communications with the department, attending faculty meetings, and assisting with other leadership roles as needed.

The Secretary is responsible for taking notes at meetings and disseminating information to members in a concise, impactful way. The Secretary is also responsible for monthly newsletters; this involved acquiring updates from all leadership members, department staff and faculty, and sending out an attractive and informative email at the first workday of the month.

The Treasurer is responsible for all CEGSS funds; this involves the CEGSS petty cash fund and funding from the department. The Treasurer should understand and have a clear record of all transactions made. All members are to work through the Treasurer for monetary needs (this can be funding for events, repayments, travel needs, etc.)

Social Chair
The Social Chair is a very diverse role that is often very collaborative with other leadership members. The Social Chair is responsible for organizing all non-meeting events. They work closely with the Media Coordinator for dissemination of event information and the Treasurer for budgeting. There may be overlap with the Social Chair and the Workshop Coordinator.

Media Coordinator
The Media Coordinator is responsible for maintaining an up-to-date online presence (web page, social media, etc.). No less than monthly updates should be made to ensure an active online presence. The Media Coordinator is responsible for ensuring effective communication and marketing of events and meetings, as well as using the best technologies.

Recruitment Chair
This position was created in 2019 and is designed to help coordinate the incomming department graduate recruits.