So you’re going to be doing some Baylor-sponsored travel soon? Congratulations. Now you may be wondering what the process is for getting reimbursed. Well luckily for you just read below to find out everything you need to do to get your money back.
BAylor’s Policies and Procedures
Well first and foremost, you should go to and look over the Baylor Travel and Entertainment Policies and Procedures. They have Pre-Travel and Post-Travel Procedures. You can find them at the links below.
The most important document you need to fill out is the Travel Authorization Form. This form documents your reason for traveling, how you will be traveling, and your anticipated expenses.
Travel Awards
The Graduate School also offers two awards of $400, which are available each year (June 1 to May 31 of the following calendar year). This award is for supporting travel to professional meetings.
The Graduate School will also match up to $400 towards travel needed for doctoral research, and this award is available only once during your studies at Baylor University. For more information on these awards, click the link below.
International Travel
What about international travel? Well, if you’re going to be traveling abroad, you also need to Register your trip with the Center for Global Engagement. They must approve your trip and you must have all of their forms filled out and/or signed before you can be reimbursed. The forms can be found at BearsAbroad.
Order of Operation
Now that you know what you need to do, here is our suggested order of operation for Domestic and International Travel:
Domestic Travel
- Fill out the Travel Authorization Form (TAF).
- Apply for the appropriate Graduate School travel award.
- Turn in the TAF, any receipts you may already have (airplane, hotel, etc.), and proof of trip (abstract acceptance, email for training/workshop, etc.) to Kathy Svrcek in the Biology Department Office.
- Enjoy your travel and keep itemized receipts.
- Turn in your itemized receipts to Kathy Svrcek in the Biology Department Office.
- Get Money!
International Travel
- Register your trip at the Center for Global Engagement via BearsAbroad and fill out all of their forms. Once your trip has been approved, you can move on to the next steps.
- Fill out and sign the remainder of the forms on BearsAbroad.
- Fill out the Travel Authorization Form (TAF).
- Apply for the Graduate School Travel Award, if you haven’t already used it.
- Turn in the TAF, any receipts you may already have (airplane, hotel, etc.), and proof of trip (abstract acceptance, email for training/workshop, etc.) to Kathy Svrcek in the Biology Department Office.
- Enjoy your travel and keep itemized receipts.
- Turn in your itemized receipts to Kathy Svrcek in the Biology Department Office.
- Get Money!
If you have any questions, please send us an Email.