Workshop Archives

If you missed a Workshop or wish to review past Workshop materials, all past materials can be found below in the Workshop Archives.

Fall 2018 Workshops


Hosted Friday Oct 26

Dr. Leigh Greathouse, Nutritional Sciences

CEGSS as we invited Dr. Leigh Greathouse to share her knowledge about networking. She reviewed the best tips and tricks of the trade, and shared what has made her so successful. Attendees shared their own concerns and received feedback over coffee and snacks.

Establishing an Online Presence, Part 1

Hosted Monday December 3

After receiving feedback from the Networking workshop, CEGSS hosted a personal website building workshop. The first in a two-part series, this session featured Dr. Craig Clarkson, who has worked with building a strong online presence, and shared how those online tools are used in the job search.

Anyone can Google “things to include on a website,” but what is less clear is how search and review committees are using the tools we put on the internet. Coffee and snacks were provided.