CPD Ambassador Program


Are you interested in getting more involved with The Office of Career and Professional Development and developing valuable skills?  Check out this new opportunity!CPD Ambassador Program

The Office of Career & Professional Development (CPD) is seeking applications from students to serve as ambassadors for the 2014-2015 academic year.  Current students who are in good academic standing and enrolled at Baylor through May 2016 are encouraged to apply.  To apply, submit your résumé and cover letter of interest, including your responses, by 12 p.m. noon on Wednesday, November 12, 2014 to Michelle_Cohenour@baylor.edu.

Mid-Semester Pep Talk

Blog QuoteIt’s that time in the semester where if you are not currently taking a test, you are preparing for those that loom in the near future.  I think sometimes when schedules get busy, we need to take a minute and breathe and realize that in each moment we are doing the best that we can.  I also want you to know that you do not have to do it all yourself.  From incredible Academic Support Programs resources in the Success Center to caring professors who want to help you succeed, Baylor offers a multitude of resources to help you on your journey.  If you need help finding a specific resource, please feel free to email me: Carroll_Crowson@baylor.edu.  In Career and Professional Development, we are here to help you, too, from deciding what you want to study at Baylor to acing that job interview.  Please let us know how we can assist you with whatever you may have questions about.  Most importantly, remember that you are valuable and valued here.  Take a minute to breathe and do your very best.  We believe in you!

Walk-in Services

At Career and Professional Development we have two resources for you to take advantage of that don’t require an appointment:resume review

Need someone to help you with your resume to make sure it is job application and interview ready?  Bring your resume with you to Sid Rich 132 for our resume review walk-in hours.  Click here to view our resume hours for the fall semester.

 Career Exploration

Have a quick question about career exploration?  Confused about which resource will help you the most?  Stop by Sid Rich 132 for our career exploration walk-in hours for answers to your quick questions as well as referrals to specific resources.  Our walk-in hours for the fall semester are:

Monday – Thursday: 4 – 5 pm

Once you arrive at Sid Rich 132, please follow the instructions at the computer kiosk to check-in and someone will be with you shortly.  We look forward to helping you!

Late Night

I hope your first week back or your first week here at Baylor is going well!  One way to find meaningful community during your Baylor journey is by joining student organizations.  Late Night is an event for students to meet representatives from over 200 organizations and learn more about the different opportunities to connect all over campus.  Student organizations are also a great way to network and learn more about major and career fields you might be interested in.  Be sure and take advantage of this great opportunity to learn about the options available at Baylor.

Late Night (1)

“In the Good Old Summer Time”

Summer (1)Ahhh…summer.  A new start.  A change of pace.  An opportunity.  What are your plans?  As we experience shifts in life’s pace, sometimes we notice opportunities to think about things in a new way.  I recently read this article and in it the author challenges readers to ask themselves one question when exploring career options:Summer (2)

This question may be just the thing to help get your wheels turning as you consider life beyond Baylor.  And sometimes thinking ahead can help you realize steps you can take now to prepare for that future reality.  As problems you want to solve come to mind, think of people you may know who are working towards solutions as well.  Conversations with these people might be able to help you discover where to go next in your quest.

Enjoy your summer.  Be mindful of who you are and where you want to go.  And remember, Career and Professional Development will be open all summer!  If you find yourself away from Waco this summer, please email us with any questions at hireabear@baylor.edu.  The Baylor Career Corner blog will be on hiatus for the summer, but we’ll look forward to bringing you new posts when school starts in August!


What Can You Do With That Major??


Have you ever answered the age old question, “What is your major?” only to be asked the follow up question, “What will you do with that?”  Next, think about your initial response to that last question — clammy palms, racing heart, cool confidence?  Well, if your initial response is more often one of the first two options than the third, here are some helpful tips, especially if you have found the major you love to study, but have noticed it doesn’t provide a clear-cut list of career options.

1.  Don’t panic.  Whatever your Baylor major, you are developing incredible transferable skills that employers want.  Writing, researching, critical thinking, problem solving, communication skills, etc. are among a multitude of skills employers are looking for and skills that a variety of majors provide.  Take a minute and start a list of some of the different skills you are learning in your classes.  If you notice areas that are missing, make an appointment with a professor and ask about additional ways you might develop these other skill sets while staying involved in your field of interest.

2.  Get involved.  Student organizations and volunteer opportunities can be great opportunities to put these skills you’ve developed into action.  Being able to demonstrate your experience utilizing these skill sets in an interview and on a resume will speak volumes to employers.  Take note of specifics, including any quantifiable data about the project or program you worked with.  Also, remember what you learned from your experiences and how that might inform future endeavors you take on.  Any opportunities for leadership in those groups can also be useful, so be on the look out for ways you can jump in and help.

3.  Network.  Do you know someone who is doing the actual type of work you like, but are unsure how they got there?  Ask if you can schedule a meeting to hear that person’s story and how he or she got into the work that sounds so appealing to you.  If you don’t know someone specifically, start with people you do know to see if they know someone.  Don’t forget about your Facebook account!  Sometimes asking if anyone knows someone working in a particular field can yield great results.

To learn more about how one liberal arts student found the right career path, read the following article: http://www.yourcoffeebreak.co.uk/career-guide/26338735468/how-to-start-your-career-while-still-in-school/.  She gives lots of great tips for ways you can begin now to work toward the career you want.

If you are still trying to decide what your summer plans will include, be mindful about your choices and how they fit with your future goals and aspirations.  You might be surprised that these summer experiences can be wonderful skill and resume builders that will help you in the future.  As always, Career and Professional Development is here to help you, so let us know if we can help guide you on your journey!

How is Your Career Reception?

Image courtesy of Master isolated images / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Is there anything more frustrating than being in the middle of a major project requiring internet access and losing your connection?  After refreshing your screen several times to no avail and finally succumbing to the reality that going to a different place with better reception is your next step, frustration can certainly set in, especially if you have gotten all settled into your space, knowing that you have to pick everything up and move to a different locale.

Or what about the phone call to someone you haven’t gotten to see in a long time.  Maybe you’re in the middle of catching up on life when all of a sudden the inevitable dropped call occurs.  How frustrating!  You immediately call the person back.  Maybe this connection is better, but sometimes, even worse, the call drops again and you have to move somewhere else with a better reception signal.  How sweet it is to finally resume the conversation without interruption!

Sometimes life is like that.  You start off in one direction, only to meet a roadblock that causes you to rethink your path.  For some of us, these change-of-direction moments occur when we need to rethink our major or career plans.  Maybe instead of a dropped call, you’ve had to drop a class this semester.  Thinking through the reasons that led you to drop the class might provide some insight into whether a reevaluation of your current major or career plans might be helpful.  Maybe you feel disconnected in your courses of study or when you think about the career you’ve been planning to pursue.  Maybe you’ve lost interest in what you always thought you wanted to do.  If this is the case, you are not alone!  The Career Exploration staff is here to help guide you in a direction that will fit who you are and help you find the place to reconnect with a clear signal.

Maybe you already have clear reception and love your major and career direction.  What wonderful news!  Please let our staff in Career and Professional Development help guide you as you reach for your goals.  We can help review that resume so it shines bright and stands out for recruiters.  We can also help you solidify your interview skills, so you feel confidant and sure during those multiple interview rounds.  Maybe you want to meet with someone to gain clarity in your job and internship search.  We can help with that, too.

Whatever your career need, please stop by our website to schedule an appointment.  We can’t wait to work with you!

5 Summer Plans to Boost Your Career Goals

5 Summer Plans


The summer is prime time to gain valuable experiences that will help you reach your career goals.  What are your plans?  If you are still trying to decide what you will do, consider these options:

1.  Summer Job

If your plans include finding a job for the summer, why not explore opportunities related to a field you are interested in?  Need further guidance to help figure out where to start?

  • Make a career coaching appointment here to work one on one with a professional to help you gain clarity for where to begin your search depending on where you will be this summer.
  • If  you will be in Waco this summer, plan to attend the Work in Waco Job Fair on April 16th at the Waco Convention Center from 1:00 – 4:30 pm.  Be sure to pre-register for the event here.

2.  Summer Internship

A summer internship is fantastic experience for a multitude of reasons.  A few of these include building valuable networks, gaining real-world experience in your area of interest, building and improving necessary skills, as well as obtaining further clarity about what the world of work in your interest area really feels like.  Remember that 65% of internships turn into full-time job offers, so these are important opportunities to take seriously.  Again, feel free to contact our office for specific guidance.  The Work in Waco Fair will also showcase internship opportunities, so take advantage of that resource as well.

3.  Study Abroad

I have yet to speak to someone who studied abroad and didn’t have a fantastic experience.  Studying in another country can expand your horizons and networks in new ways.  You may find that you learn new things about yourself that can contribute to your career goals. Baylor’s Center for International Education provides a plethora of opportunities to study abroad through their Bears Abroad program.  Be sure and stop by their office on the 2nd floor of Poage library or email them at studyabroad@baylor.edu.

4.  Volunteer

Another great way to gain experience in your career area of interest is to volunteer.  Volunteer opportunities allow you to gain experience in the work environment, network with professionals in the field, and develop new skills.  These experiences can provide valuable dividends down the road as your resume will reflect these opportunities and may pave the way for internship and job possibilities down the road.  Employers may also notice your determination and dedication to your field of work through your willingness to gain experience in the field as a volunteer.

5.  Job Shadow

The summer can also provide an extended span of time for you to explore a variety of fields you are considering by job shadowing professionals in your areas of interest.  If you are searching for the right career path for you, spending time shadowing someone in that profession can help you gain even more clarity about what that work environment is like and what some of the tasks are.  Another benefit of job shadowing is the valuable networks you build by interacting with different professionals.  If you will be in your hometown this summer, these networks may be right at your fingertips through family and friend connections.  If you would like a little more direction about how to pursue a job shadowing experience or an information interview, please visit this link.  Here we offer suggestions and tips for a successful experience.

As with all of these ideas, please remember that Career and Professional Development is here to help you find your path.  Let us know if we can help with questions, concerns or even figuring out where to begin.  We want you to find the opportunities that fit you the best!