Instant Impact

News from Baylor School of Education

September 25, 2023
by Baylor Instant Impact

Dissertation Research Award for Baylor Online EdD Grad, Dr. Alicia Briancon [09/25/2023]

Alicia Briancon

Dr. Alicia Briancon

Dr. Alicia Briancon, an August graduate from the Baylor School of Education’s online EdD in Learning and Organizational Change and instructor at College of Southern Nevada (CSN), a community college in Clark County, Nevada, received the Outstanding Research Paper Award for the Southeastern Universities Graduate Research Symposium (SUGRS).

Briancon’s research paper, “Build the Bridge to better faculty-student relationships,” was peer-reviewed by members of the SUGRS faculty leadership/advisory committee to receive the honor. SUGRS is a symposium specifically for graduate student research and encompasses eleven universities, with Baylor the only member that is not in the Southeastern Conference (SEC).

The paper explored the relational gap between faculty and students in higher education. “Faculty-student relationships matter, especially for community college students,” Briancon said. Continue Reading →

September 12, 2023
by Baylor Instant Impact

Guinness World Record Set at Baylor [09/12/2023]

School of Education volunteers set a Guinness World Record at McLane Stadium

School of Education volunteers set a Guinness World Record by lining up 1,203 sleeping bags; then they distributed them to homeless veterans. L-R: Sam Esparza (MSEd ’23), Meagan Noranbrock of Veterans One Stop, SOE’s Dr. Mar Magnusen, and son.

It’s official — A Baylor group, led by students and a professor in the MSEd Sport Management program, has set an official Guinness World Record. Guinness officially recognized the Baylor group for holding the World Record for the “Longest Line of Sleeping Bags” (1,203) set in Waco, Texas, at Baylor University’s McLane Stadium on July 4. In addition to setting a record, the project was designed to help homeless veterans in Texas.

Official record holders are:

August 3, 2023
by Baylor Instant Impact

Nationally Recognized Civics Camp at Baylor this Week [08/01/2023]

iEngage students collaborating on community projects

iEngage students collaborate in groups to develop a community project.

Nearly 60 rising middle school students are attending Baylor’s nationally recognized iEngage Summer Civics Institute July 31 – Aug. 4, with campers on the Baylor campus daily from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Founded in 2013, Baylor’s iEngage Summer Civics Institute is led by School of Education faculty member Karon LeCompte, Ph.D., associate professor of curriculum and instruction with an emphasis in social studies education, who also co-founded the program.

“iEngage focuses on the structure of government and what it means to be an active and engaged citizen,” LeCompte said. “The iEngage program is designed to help middle school students learn how to make a difference in their schools, neighborhoods and communities, even as young people.”


July 3, 2023
by Baylor Instant Impact

MELA (Math for Early Learners Academy) Launches this Week [07/03/2023]

MELA learner

The School of Education’s MELA program has measurably helped young students ages 4-6 achieve or exceed grade-level expectations in early math skills and number fluency.

Baylor University’s Mathematics for Early Learners Academy (MELA), sponsored by the Baylor School of Education (SOE), will be held at the Mayborn Museum on the Baylor campus July 5-28 for students ages 4 to 6.

The summer program, designed for students who have just finished PreK or Kindergarten and directed by Sandi Cooper, Ph.D., professor of mathematics education, aims to establish a solid foundation in “number sense,” especially for students who could benefit most from this summer experience in mathematics.

READ MORE HERE on the Baylor Media site . . . .

June 20, 2023
by lia_hood1

Dr. Karon LeCompte Receives Research Grants for Expanded Civics Education Work [06/20/2023]

Dr. Karon LeCompteBy Lia Hood

Dr. Karon LeCompte, associate professor of curriculum and instruction in the Baylor School of Education, received the 2023 Baylor Centennial Professors Award, along with another award from the Baylor Libraries — the Baylor Fundamentals of Data Research Fellowship, also for research this summer. LeCompte will use both awards to further her research in social studies education, particularly civics education through Baylor’s iEngage program. Continue Reading →

June 5, 2023
by Baylor Instant Impact

Spring issue of Baylor Impact now online [06/05/2023]

Impact coverThe newest issue of Baylor Impact newsletter (Spring 2023) is now online. If you are an SOE graduate and did not receive a newsletter in the mail, please let us know by emailing To make sure you don’t miss any future communications, you can also update your information online at this link: Update Your Information

This Impact issue features exciting news about SOE programs, faculty, students, and alumni who are making a difference.

  • The cover story, “A Wider Welcome,” shares the personal journey and professional impact of Dr. Erik Carter, who joined the faculty in January as the Luther Sweet Endowed Chair in Disabilities. Carter’s research and leadership promise an expansion of the disability programs, research, and impact of the School of Education and the Baylor Center for Developmental Disabilities.
  • If you aspire to be a school leader (or are looking to hire one), you’ll be thrilled to hear about Baylor’s First Graduates of the MA in School Leadership. The program provides two tracks — one for leaders seeking Texas principal certification and one for leaders of independent or non-Texas schools, with cohorts launching each June.
  • With three Baylor degrees on her résumé, alumna Dr. Majka Woods is leading educational efforts in a surprising venue — the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.
  • What’s it like to host the winner of the nation’s largest award for great teaching? Read all about Dr. Hollylynne Lee’s semester in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction in “Celebrating Great Teaching.” And don’t miss the Web Extra with links to her free online teaching resources for teachers of mathematics and data science.

Continue Reading →

June 2, 2023
by Baylor Instant Impact

Baylor SOE Partners with Transformation Waco Schools on STEM+ Camp Launch [06/02/2023]

Nesmith (l) and Cooper (r)

STEM+ Camp Launch co-founders and co-directors, Dr. Suzanne Nesmith (l), and Dr. Sandi Cooper (r) (Photo by Lia Hood, Baylor School of Education)

Story by Lia Hood

Blasting off this summer is Baylor University’s STEM+ Camp Launch, designed for incoming fifth grade students from three Transformation Waco schools. Sponsored by the Baylor School of Education, with collaboration from the School of Engineering and Computer Science and funding from Waco’s Cooper Foundation, the program consists of three one-week sessions, taking place June 5-23 at the Mayborn Museum.

STEM+ Camp Launch introduces students to STEM subjects and gives them the “opportunity to engage with STEM in a positive way and see that it could be a potential career path,” said camp co-director and co-founder Sandi Cooper, Ph.D., professor of mathematics education at Baylor.


May 30, 2023
by Baylor Instant Impact

Baylor SOE Recognizes Two “Memorable Teachers” [05/30/2023]

Memorable Teacher

Baylor graduate Katie Bohannon Phillips (left) was nominated as a “Most Memorable Teacher” by 2023 graduate Marissa Chotiner.

Two teachers were honored at the annual Baylor University School of Education Senior Recognition Banquet in late April. Following tradition, Baylor School of Education seniors had the opportunity to nominate teachers who had been influential in their lives. Students submitted a nomination essay about their teacher, and the awarded educators were chosen by a Baylor faculty committee. During the awards banquet, the students honor their memorable educator by reading their essay.

For 2023, Katie Bohannon Phillips of Plano and Jenna Helduser Walling of Austin were honored with the Baylor School of Education’s “Most Memorable Teacher” award. Continue Reading →

May 26, 2023
by Baylor Instant Impact

School of Education Honors Outstanding Seniors [05/26/2023]

2023 Baylor SOE Seniors Honors

2023 Baylor SOE Outstanding Seniors with the Dean (l-r) — Front row: Faith Stuchly, Betsua Morales, Sara Easley; Back row: Megan Forshee, Julia Morrison, Savannah Webster, SOE Dean Dr. Shanna Hagan-Burke, Emily Kessler

Baylor School of Education (SOE) recognized seven seniors as outstanding students at the 38th Annual Senior Recognition Banquet in late April. Seniors were recognized for their excellence in academic and fieldwork in education programs and their readiness to impact the world. Baylor SOE senior award recipients (biographies below) for 2023 are:

  • Emily Kessler — EDICUT Preservice Educator of the Year Award
  • Sara Easley — Delores Coker Phi Delta Kappa Outstanding Student in Education
  • Julia Morrison — Lorena B. Stretch Award for Outstanding Student in Elementary Education
  • Savannah Webster — Outstanding Student in Middle Grades Education
  • Faith Stuchly — M.L. Goetting Award for Outstanding Student in Secondary Education
  • Betsua Morales — Outstanding Student in EC-12 Education Programs
  • Megan Forshee — Outstanding Student with a Minor in Education Continue Reading →

May 8, 2023
by Baylor Instant Impact

Educational Psychology PhD Students Honored for Teaching [05/08/2023]

Davis, Ryland, Hebda

L-R: Dr. Tonya Davis, professor of educational psychology, with graduate instructor award recipients Nori Ryland and Maryann Hebda, both PhD candidates in the Department of Educational Psychology.

By Collyn Sebastian

Maryann Hebda, a second-year PhD candidate doctoral student in the Department of Educational Psychology, and Nori Ryland, a fourth-year PhD candidate in the Department of Educational Psychology, were both recipients of the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award for their teaching during the Spring 2022 semester.

This award is given by the Baylor Graduate School fo graduate students who work as Teachers of Record and who are recognized for their outstanding teaching by students, and faculty. Recipients are honored at a luncheon, given a plaque, and awarded an additional travel award to use to attend conferences that will further their teaching careers. Continue Reading →