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News from Baylor School of Education

Six School of Education Seniors Honored with Awards [05/17/2016]



School of Education seniors honored in April were (l-r) Josh Dietert, Kaitlin Welsh, Sarah Goodman, Erica Amos, Stephanie Wright and Mary Ernsbarger.

Six graduating seniors in the Baylor School of Education were honored with awards at the annual Senior Recognition Banquet on April 21. Baylor President Ken Starr spoke at the ceremony, held at McLane Stadium.


Erica Amos of Wylie, Texas, was named the 2016 EDICUT Pre-service Educator of the Year. Also known as “The Dean’s Award,” the honor is presented at each private university education program in Texas by the Education Deans of Independent Colleges and Universities of Texas. Baylor SOE Dean Dr. Michael McLendon presented the award.

Erica Amos with School of Education Dean Dr. Michael McLendon

Erica Amos with School of Education Dean Dr. Michael McLendon

Amos said, “Not all children have a positive influence in their lives. I want to serve them and let them know they are valued and can achieve whatever they put their minds to.”

Amos was the captain of Baylor’s women volleyball club, a member of Alpha Lambda Delta and National Society of Collegiate Scholars. Amos also was a 2015-2016 recipient of the Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities Award.

Brittney Green, her mentor teacher at Midway High School, said Amos’s relentless work ethic and commitment to excellence have set her apart from her peers.

“Erica has a passion for math education that shines bright in her everyday work,” Green said. “She’s always striving for perfection, not just to get an A in her education classes, but so her students have the best opportunity for learning.”


Welsh-Blog-300Kaitlin Welsh of Aledo, Texas, received the 2016 Lorena B. Stretch Award for Outstanding Student in Elementary Education.

“Seeing little moments of students’ growth, whether academically or socially, drives me as an educator,” Welsh said. “I want to speak immense value and love over each child so they know how much they can offer to society.”

Dr. Sheila Gloer, senior lecturer of curriculum and instruction, said Welsh is loved and respected by her students and the staff at her intern school Mt. View Elementary.

“I have had administrators stop and ask me how can we convince Ms. Welsh to stay and teach at our school,” Gloer said. “There are so many who have benefited from Kaitlin’s ideas. She definitely has built a good relationship with the staff at Mt. View Elementary.”

Welsh is the new member trainer for Kappa Chi Alpha. She also is the executive administrator for Baylor Buddies and has been on the Dean’s List numerous times.


Goodman-Blog-300Sarah Goodman of Houston, Texas, was honored as the 2016 Outstanding Student in Middle School Education.

“I enjoy watching and helping students grow,” Goodman said. “Teaching has been a passion of mine since I was little, and I can’t wait to have my own classroom!”

Goodman is a member of the Leadership Living Learning Center and Baylor Chamber of Commerce.

Dr. Randy Wood, professor of curriculum and instruction, said, “Sarah is a student who not only enjoys teaching, but also loves to help her students learn. Her calm demeanor and engaging spirit help her to be one of the best middle level students.”

He said Goodman’s innovative ideas for mathematics teaching fill the classroom, where she challenged her students to use their mathematical thinking for real life situations and for deeper understanding and learning.


Dietert-Blog-300Josh Dietert of Richmond, Texas, received the 2016 M.L. Goetting Award for Outstanding Student in Secondary Education.

“I want to impact students and develop their love for learning, particularly math,” Dietert said. “By combining my two loves, people and math, teaching provides me great satisfaction at the end of every day.”

Dietert is a member of Alpha Lambda Delta and was a Community Leader in his residence hall for two years.

Dr. Trena Wilkerson, professor of curriculum and instruction, said that Dietert represents the qualities that Baylor students and graduates should have.

“Josh is an exceptional student and embodies exceptional qualities,” Wilkerson said. “He is committed to detailed planning to meet the needs of the students and believes in collaborating with others, whether it is his peers or his mentor teachers.


Wright-Blog300Stephanie Wright of Plano, Texas, was awarded the 2016 Outstanding Student in All-Level Education.

Wright’s approach to her students and teaching is simple — be caring and compassionate.

“Many of my students have so many obstacles to overcome, but I believe in them,” Wright said. They bring out the best in me, and I know that education is the most important factor in their lives.”

In addition to teaching Wright is also a National Merit Scholar and and has been on the dean’s list numerous times.

Dr. Tonya Davis, associate professor in educational psychology, called Wright one of the most intelligent students she has ever taught.

“Stephanie is not only incredibly smart, she is also an all-around teacher and student,” Davis said. “She masters teaching techniques fluidly, and her students adore her.”


Ernsbarger-Blog-300Mary Ernsbarger of Brookfield, Wisconsin, was awarded the 2016 Dolores Coker Phi Delta Kappa Outstanding Student in Education Award.

Ernsbarger, approaches her students with optimism, care and concern. She is an advocate for her students and always provides them a safe environment for them to learn and grow.

“Teaching is fulfilling to me when I connect with the students and touch their lives,” Ernsbarger said. “They are capable of anything and I want to encourage them so they believe it themselves.”

Ernsbarger is a member of Kappa Delta Pi, Phi Lambda Theta, and Delta Epsilon Iota. She was also part of the Baylor Baseball Diamond girls from 2011-2015.

Paula Gardner, her intern supervisor, highlighted the exceptional work ethic that Ernsbarger exhibits.

“Mary excels in all she does; she goes beyond expectations for every assignment, utilizing every opportunity to grow and learn as an educator,” Gardner said. “Her maturity is beyond what one would expect of a pre-service teacher. She is going to be a valuable asset to any school district in which she teaches.”

— by Taliyah Clark

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