A large contingent of scholars from the Baylor School of Education (SOE) participated in the recent annual meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE), held Feb. 13-16 in Chicago. SOE faculty, graduate students, undergraduate students, Professional Development School partners and alumni were well represented at the meeting for higher education leaders who work with preservice teachers.
Here’s a rundown of Baylor SOE presentations at ATE:
“Assessing the Internship and its Contribution to Teaching in the 21st Century: A Case Study of a Successful Intern”
Jason Trumble, PhD ’15, University of Central Arkansas
Suzanne Nesmith, Baylor SOE
This presentation, by a recent School of Education doctoral graduate and Curriculum & Instruction faculty member, discussed findings from a case study following a year-long internship, exploring the viability and success of the internship in relation to teaching with technology.
“Qualities of Effective Professional Learning Communities in Urban Schools: A Case Analysis”
Rebecca McHenney, BSEd ’15
This new teacher and recent graduate presented her undergraduate research on Professional Learning Communities (PLC), discussing the importance of administrative leadership, accountability and support on PLCs and how those themes overlap.
“Successful PLCs: What is the Role of Accountability?”
Rebecca McHenney, BSEd ’15
Dr. Trena Wilkerson, Baylor SOE
Presenters noted that accountability is often synonymous with policy and test scores. But in PLCs (Professional Learning Communities), teachers hold each other and themselves accountable. They explored how to structure PLCs to promote this kind of accountability.
“Voices from the Field: Culturally Relevant and Affirming Best Practices from Successful Elementary Literacy Educators of African American and Hispanic/Latino(a) Students”
Meredith Dana, current Baylor SOE undergrad
Dr. Lakia Scott, Baylor SOE
This presentation detailed the findings of a qualitative research study involving seasoned, experienced teacher educators. Findings captured culturally relevant and affirming pedagogy for increasing literacy outcomes with urban elementary students.
“High-Tech, Low-Tech, No-Tech: Why Should I Care?”
Dr. Doug Rogers, Baylor SOE
Rogers asked if teachers who integrate technology into the instructional process are failing to ask important ethical questions. During the presentation, he explored various responses to this question and challenged the attendees to exert their influence.
“Effecting Change: Teaching Twenty-First-Century Literacies Through Project-Based Instruction”
Dr. Barbara Purdum-Cassidy, Baylor SOE
The session described a model for helping preservice teachers learn project-based instruction and the research study designed to explore issues surrounding preservice teachers’ enactment of project-based instruction.
“Moving Beyond Apartheid Schooling and ‘Adequate Education’: Empowering the Minoritized through Critical Media Literacy”
Elena Venegas, doctoral candidate, Baylor SOE
“Stop Trying to be Cool: Integration versus Addition of Social Media”
Jason Trumble, PhD ’15, University of Central Arkansas
Nykela Jackson and Tami Hendrix, University of Central Arkansas
Participants examined elements of social media and ways to integrate social platforms in instruction. Presenters discussed changing the ways in which teachers use the desirable traits of platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram, plus a collaboration for new innovations and instructional techniques.
“Teaching ‘the other’: Altering Preservice Teachers’ Preconceptions of Urban Students”
Dr. Lakia Scott, Baylor SOE
Elena Venegas, Baylor SOE doctoral candidate
The presentation provided evidentiary support for changing preservice teachers’ preconceptions of urban students through the integration of culturally relevant pedagogy in teacher education.
“Micro Pedagogies: Implementing a Micro-Spiral Science Curriculum for Middle School Girls and Boys”
Edith Davis, EdD ’07, Florida A&M University
Davis presented a study that compared the effectiveness of using an experimental spiral physics curriculum and a traditional linear curriculum by examining the effectiveness of a micro-spiral physics curriculum comparing females and males.
“The Use of Instructional Technology to Effectively Assess and Differentiate Instruction for Diverse Student Populations”
Dr. Leanne Howell, Baylor SOE
The presentation shared how the use of instructional technology (primarily iPad apps) can be used to assess and differentiate instruction for diverse student populations in grades K-6.
“When Down Under and the Lone Star Meet: What Preservice Teachers from Texas Learned about School Cultures, Student Achievement and High-Stakes Assessment While Teaching in Australia”
Margaret Thomson, Baylor SOE
Betty Ruth Baker, Baylor SOE
Presenters explore why Australia consistently outranks America in reading, math and science. They discussed the observations made by preservice teachers from Texas who spent six weeks teaching in Brisbane, Australia.
“Extending PST Opportunities Beyond the U.S. Classroom: What They Learn / What We Learn”
Dr. Trena Wilkerson, Baylor SOE
Dr. Randy Wood, Baylor SOE
Zach Posey, Baylor SOE undergrad
Rebecca McHenney, BSEd ’15
Erica Amos, Baylor SOE undergrad
Presenters shared a preservice teacher experience that partners a U.S. university and a Costa Rican elementary school in teaching and service learning. They shared outcomes and impact of the project.
Three Baylor SOE faculty members — Dr. Barbara Purdum-Cassidy, Dr. Rachelle Rogers and Dr. Lakia Scott — served as reviewers for the manuscripts submitted for the conference. Cassidy and Rogers also spearheaded the “Emerging Scholar” track, moderating several special sessions.
Baylor SOE graduate Aiyana Henry, MSEd ’02, EdD ’12, now at the University of Oklahoma, headed up the ATE Leadership Academy. In addition, several Baylor faculty members serve in other leadership roles on various ATE governance boards and task forces.
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