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News from Baylor School of Education

SOE Professors Part of Interdisciplinary Research Team for $4.71 million Grant


Dr. Erik Carter, Dr. Sarah Mire, Dr. Terrill Saxon

School of Education researchers (l-r): Dr. Erik Carter, Luther Sweet Endowed Chair in Disabilities and Executive Director of the Baylor Center for Developmental Disabilities; Dr. Sarah Mire, associate professor; Dr. Terrill Saxon, professor and Associate Dean of Graduate Studies & Global Engagement

Three Baylor School of Education faculty members in the Department of Educational PsychologyDr. Erik Carter, Dr. Sarah Mire, and Dr. Terrill Saxon — are co-investigators on an interdisciplinary, multi-institutional team of researchers that will conduct a mixed-methods longitudinal study of patience. Over four years, the study will focus on what can be learned about patience from those who experience adversity, particularly for parents of adolescents. The SOE team’s research will focus specifically on families raising adolescents who experience intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

Funded by a $4.71 million grant from Templeton Religion Trust, the study is part of the Baylor Research in Growth and Human Thriving Science Center, or BRIGHTS Center, a multidisciplinary center housed in Baylor’s College of Arts & Sciences that catalyzes research related to the science of human flourishing.

The team is led by principal investigator Dr. Sarah Schnitker, Baylor professor of psychology, and includes Bayor’s Dr. Anne Jeffrey (philosophy and medical humanities), the three Baylor SOE faculty members, and faculty from UC Riverside, Wake Forest, and Claremont Graduate University.

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