Math education faculty and students from the Baylor School of Education were on hand at the annual Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT) in June, when Dr. Trena Wilkerson received a statewide award.
Wilkerson, professor and graduate program director in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction, received the E. Glenadine Gibb Achievement Award. The award honors a member of the Texas Council for Teachers of Mathematics for his or her contribution to the improvement of mathematics education at the state and national level.
Dr. Paul Gray, past president of TCTM and the chief curriculum officer of Cosenza & Associates, said Wilkerson’s leadership in math education made her ideal as the sole honoree for an award honoring Gibb, who was a highly regarded mathematics education professor at the University of Texas.
“Dr. Wilkerson, in addition to being an outstanding and well-respected professor at Baylor, provides significant leadership to guide mathematics education at both the state and national levels,” Gray said. “In her role on the Board of Directors of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, she is able to keep her Texas colleagues connected to our national professional organization while helping steer the national conversation about important ways to improve mathematics education. Her extensive work in supporting mathematics teachers and mathematics education as a whole at the local, state, and national levels makes her especially well-suited for an award honoring service and leadership in Texas mathematics education.”
Wilkerson’s research interests include lesson study, algebra efficacy, mathematics and literature, and rational number understanding. She is an elected member of the board of directors of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and editor of the journal Texas Mathematics Teacher, published by TCTM. The journal is now housed at Baylor School of Education.
At Baylor Wilkerson teaches both graduate and undergraduate courses and mentors students in thesis and dissertation work, as well as serving on a variety of university, school and departmental committees. She previously taught high school mathematics for 18 years in Louisiana and then 5 years at Louisiana State University in the mathematics education program. She received her bachelor’s degree and teaching certification through Mississippi College and her doctorate through the University of Southern Mississippi.
Baylor Presentations at CAMT:

Math faculty and students at CAMT (l-r): Dr. Rachelle Rogers, Dr. Sandi Cooper, Dr. Trena Wilkerson, Molly Veselka, Analise Sandager, and Mollie Musgrove
Conquering Fraction Comparison: It’s More than just Common Denominators
Shametria Routt-Banks, Baylor SOE doctoral student
Participants engaged in activities to help students build a strong foundation for comparing fractions, using the three strategies emphasized by NCTM. Participants received teaching strategies, interactive notebook resources, and cooperative learning activities for the classroom.
Mathematics Anxiety in Adult Developmental Learners
Molly Veselka, Baylor SOE master’s student
Veselka shared results from a study that explored the relationship between successful developmental learners and those with math anxiety.
Be a Mathematician! Discovering Math Through Problem Solving
Dr. Trena Wilkerson, Baylor SOE faculty
Mollie Musgrove, Baylor SOE master’s student
Analise Sandager, Baylor SOE master’s student
Session explored the essential elements of a problem for engaging student, exploring as a mathematician, and having fun with math. Participants worked with multiple creative problems for use in graded K-5 addressing key concepts from the TEKS.
The Gold Standard: Product, Packaging and Proportionality
Dr. Rachelle Rogers, Baylor SOE faculty
John Choins, Midway ISD partner
Hands-on math activities focused on practical packaging problems — maximizing soda can packaging and shrinking cereal boxes using proportional thinking — using algebraic reasoning and numerical analysis. Four problem-based activities were presented from the book Principles to Action.
Math’s Not Hard When It’s Fun
Dittika Gupta, Midwestern State, Baylor SOE PhD graduate
Suzanne Lindt, Midwestern State
Presenters shared hands-on activities and lessons on various middle school concepts in algebra, geometry, data analysis and measurement.
Geometry Activities with the TI-Nspire® CX Technology
Kristen Arterbury, ESC Region 12, Bayor SOE master’s graduate
Attendees used the TI-Nspire CX handheld to explore a variety of geometric concepts to support instruction of geometry TEKS.
Access for All: Collecting Like Terms and Solving Equations
Colleen Eddy, University of North Texas, Baylor SOE PhD graduate
Drew Wyrick, Fort Worth ISD
This session taught those who were new to the concept to use concrete materials such as algebra tiles and Algeblocks. Presenters showed how to introduce these hands-on materials at the beginning of the year and use them for integers, algebraic expressions and equations.
Access for All: Multiplying Integers and Polynomials
Colleen Eddy, University of North Texas, Baylor SOE PhD graduate
Drew Wyrick, Fort Worth ISD
This session modeled multiplication of integers and polynomials using algebra tiles and Algeblocks on the coordinate plane. The approach shows how conceptual understandings can build procedural fluency.
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