by grace_pruett | Jun 17, 2018 | Presentation
Here is a lovely video of Gavin Saari presenting his research on the effects of pharmaceutical pollution on stream ecology at the Texas Bioscience Institute.
by grace_pruett | Mar 20, 2018 | Presentation
Baylor PyPhD educated DROVES of people of all ages at the Mayborn Museum during Brain Awareness Week. Special thanks to Suzanne Nolan, Samantha Hodges, Grace Pruett, and Dani Crain for...
by grace_pruett | Mar 20, 2018 | Useful Resources
Present Your PhD members, this is a great opportunity to showcase your research! PyPhD will be there tableing, but if you have a poster about your research, you should enter the research showcase!
by grace_pruett | Feb 27, 2018 | Presentation
INCREDIBLY excited to report that we have our final numbers from PyPhD’s first semester at Baylor University! In the end, we presented to 600 students from 1st grade all the way up to junior college! We are ECSTATIC to share this fantastic news and can’t...
by grace_pruett | Feb 27, 2018 | Presentation
PyPhD member Dani Crain visited Texas Bioscience Institute on Friday to share her PhD research on whale population dynamics using their earplugs. There were a lot of fantastic questions from these bright students! Thank you, TBI, for being a great partner to...