Chapters and Articles

Timbers, V., Hollenberger, J., and Scales, L. (forthcoming 2025). Using professional assets to build intellectual community within an online social work doctoral program: Lessons from a team of builders. Journal of Educators Online.

Scales, T.  L., Timbers, V., and Hollenberger, J. “ (2024). Building Intellectual Communities in Online Doctoral Education;. Journal of Online Graduate Education 7(3) pp. 1-26.

Scales T.L. (2024)  “I did not come to China for that!”:  Intersections of Gender, Marriage, and Motherhood for Southern Baptist missionary women in China, 1887 to -1914, Religions 15(8); 901

Scales, T.L. and Jones, M. (2024). “A Tradition of Teaching Excellence: Beginnings of Baylor’s Academy for Teaching and Learning, 2006-2011.” Academy for Teaching and Learning (ATL) Review (Spring 2024), pp. 4-5.  

Hays, N. and Scales, T. L. (2022). “Lessons from Malachi for Doctoral Students.” Christian Higher Education, 21 (5), pp. 402-412.

Scales, T.L., Holcomb, C.C. and Maxwell, M.C. (2022). “From Personal Service to Church Social Work: Woman’s Missionary Union and Social Ministry in the Twentieth Century.” Baptist History & Heritage, 57 (1), pp. 36-62.

Scales, T.L. and Henry, E. (2021) “’We are glad God has sent these people to us,’ Baptist Women’s Evangelism and Social Work Among Immigrants, 1908-1918.” American Baptist Quarterly 40 (2), pp. 127-141. 

Scales, T. L. (2021). Cora Anne Davis: Pioneer in Church Social Work in Michael Williams, Ed.More Witnesses to the Baptist Heritage: Twenty-Four Other Baptists Every Christian Should Know. Macon, GA, Mercer University Press.

Scales, T.L. (2020). “For the Sake of the Gospel: Theological Education for Women at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky, 1907-2007” in William Pitts, ed.  Baptists and Culture. Macon, GA, Mercer University Press.

Scales, T. L., (2020) “Our Future Faculty as Stewards of the Academy” in L. Wright and C. Richmann, Called To Teach: Excellence, Commitment, and Community in Christian Higher Education, Eugene, OR, Wipf and Stock.

Polson, E. C. and Scales, T. L. (2020). “Good Neighbor House: Reimagining Settlement Houses for 21st-Century Communities,” Social Work and Christianity, 47 (4) 100-122.

Singletary, J. Harris, H. W., Myers, D. and Scales. T.L. (2020). Integrating Christian Faith and Social Work Practice: Students’ Views of the Journey. In Scales, T.L. and Kelly, M. eds. Christianity and social work: Readings on the Integration of Christian Faith and Social Work Practice, 6th edition. New York, North American Association of Christians in Social Work,  pp. 185-204.

Scales, T.L. (2020). Making a Home in the New House Beautiful: Women students negotiate calling, marriage, and race, 1942-1963.” In E. Flowers and K. Seat, A Marginal Majority: Women, Gender, and a Reimagining of Southern Baptist History, Knoxville, University of Tennessee Press.

Scales, T.L., Cichocki, C. and Rood, K. (2020).  “‘I Can’t Go in Alone’: A Frontier Girl’s Transformation into a Southern Baptist Missionary.” In E. Flowers and K. Seat, A Marginal Majority: Women, Gender, and a Reimagining of Southern Baptist History Knoxville, University of Tennessee Press.

Scales T. L. and Harris, H.  (2020). Twentieth Century Pioneers: Building a Foundation for the Ethical Integration of Christianity and Social Work. In Scales, T.L. and Kelly, M. eds. Christianity and social work: Readings on the Integration of Christian Faith and Social Work Practice, 6th edition. New York, North American Association of Christians in Social Work.

Scales, T. L., & Clarkson, C. R. (2019). Academy for Teaching and Learning (Vol. Spring). Baylor University. doi: {Article Begins on page 14}

Pruitt, N. T. and Scales, T.L. (2019) “‘We want to help you to help us’: Southern Baptist and National Baptist Women and Race Relations during the 1930s and 1940s.” American Baptist Quarterly. 38 (3). 304-329.

Howell, J.A, and Scales, T. L.  (2018). “Pedagogical Practices in Doctoral Education: Lessons from Augustine of Hippo,” in Scales, T.L. and Howell, J.A. Stewards of the Academy: Christian Scholars and Teachers Consider a Life of Faithfulness. New York: Palgrave.

Sriram, R., Shushok, F., and Scales, T.L. (2017). “Development, Validity, and Reliability of the Campus Residential Experience Survey.” The Journal of College and University Student Housing.

Scales, T.L. and Scales, A.T. (2016). After Trauma: Family Relationships and the Road to Healing. Social Work and Christianity. 43 (1). 26-39.

Scales, T.L. and Tang, A. (2014) Jewell in China: Education of a Missionary Woman for School Administration, 1910-1914. American Educational History Journal, 41(2) pp. 251-267.

Scales, T.L., and Singletary, J. (2014). “Social Workers and Rural Congregations: Partnering to Build Community Capacity.” In T.L. Scales, C.L. Streeter, and H.S. Cooper, Eds. Rural Social Work: Building and Sustaining Community Capacity, 2nd ed., Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp 175-185

Brice, T.S., and Scales, T.L. (2013). “The First and The Last: A Confluence of Factors Leading to The Integration of Carver School of Missions and Social Work, 1955.” Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, Vol. 40, no. 1, pp 83-100.

Smith, J.C.H. and Scales, T.L. (2013). “Stewardship: A Biblical Model for the Formation of Christian Scholars.” Journal of Education and Christian Belief, Vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 79-97.

Scales, T.L, Straughan, H.H., and Scales, A.T. (2013). “Making Peace in a World of Violence: Families and Congregations Participate in Healing Hurt Kids.” In Formation for Life: Just Peacemaking and 21st Century Discipleship, R. Petersen, G. Stassen & T. Norton, eds., Eugene, Oregon, Pickwick Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers, pp. 187-206.

Scales, T.L., Harris, H., Myers, D., Singletary, J. (2012). “Journey toward Integrating Faith and Practice: Students, Practitioners, and Faculty Share their Stories,” In T.L. Scales and M. Kelly, Eds. Christianity and Social Work: Readings on the integration of Christian faith and social work practice, 4th ed., New York, North American Christians in Social Work, pp 129-151

Scales, T.L. and Clarkson, C. (2011). Preparing College Graduates for Mission: The Role of the Student Volunteer Movement in the Calling and Formation of a “Baylor Girl,” 1903-1907. Baptist History and Heritage, Vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 43-59.

Sriram, R., Scales, T.L., and Oster, M. (2011). Between the ideal and the practical: Using assessment to find the balance. About Campus, Vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 26-9.

Shushok, F., Scales, T.L., Sriram, R., and Kidd, V. (2011). A Tale of Three Campuses: Unearthing theories of residential life that shape the student learning experience. About Campus, Vol. 16, no.3, pp. 13-21.

Shushok, F., Sriram, R., Perkins, J. and Scales, T.L. (2011). Students as Teachers: What Faculty Learn by Living on Campus. The Journal of College and University Housing, Vol. 38, no.1, pp.41-54.

Scales, T. L. (2011). “Accepting a Trust So Responsible:” Christians Caring for Children at Buckner Orphan’s Home, Dallas, Texas, 1879-1909. Social Work and Christianity, Vol.38, no.3, pp. 332-55.

Scales, T. L. and Kelly, M. S. (2011). “To Give Christ to the Neighborhood:” A Corrective Look at the Settlement Movement and Early Christian Social Workers. Social Work and Christianity, Vol.38, no.3, pp. 356-76.

Scales, T. L., Harris, H., W., Myers, D., Singletary, J. (2008). “Integrating Christian Faith and Social Work Practice: Students’ Views of the Journey,” In B. Hugen, & T. L. Scales, Eds. Christianity and Social Work: Readings on the integration of Christian faith and social work practice, 3rd ed., Botsford, CT, North American Christians in Social Work. pp. 43-56.

Scales, T. L. (2007). “C. Anne Davis (1938-2006): Shaping an Ethic of ‘Doing the Word,’” In Twentieth Century Shapers of Baptist Social Ethics, L. Allen and L. McSwain, eds., Macon, GA, Mercer University Press.

Singletary, J., Harris, H., Myers, D., and Scales, L (Spring 2006). “Student Narratives on Social Work as a Calling.” Aretê. Vol.30, no.1, pp.188-199.

Scales. T. L. (2006). “Jewell Legett and the Social Curriculum: The Education of a Southern Baptist Woman Missionary at the WMU Training School, 1908-1909.” Baptist History and Heritage, Winter vol. 41 no. 1, pp. 77-90.

Scales, T. L. (2006). “Using Case Method in the Social Work Classroom: A Guide for Instructors,” in Scales, T. L., and T.A. Wolfer, eds. Decision Cases for Generalist Practice: Thinking Like a Social Worker, Instructors Manual, Monterey, CA, Brooks/Cole, an imprint of Wadsworth (online).

Wolfer, T.A. and Scales, T. L. (2006), “Tips for Preparing and Discussing Decision Cases” in T. L. Scales and T. A. Wolfer, eds. Decision Cases for Generalist Practice: Thinking Like a Social Worker. Monterey, CA, Brooks/Cole, an imprint of Wadsworth. pp. 17-25.

Morales, L. and Scales, T. L. (2006), “The Ridge” in T.L. Scales and T. A. Wolfer, eds. Decision Cases for Generalist Practice: Thinking Like a Social Worker. Monterey, CA, Brooks/Cole, an imprint of Wadsworth. pp. 105-112.

Aker, R. and Scales, T.L. (2003) “Charitable Choice, Social Workers and Rural Congregations: Partnering to Build Community Assets,” in Scales, T.L. and Streeter, C. eds. Rural Social Work: Building and Sustaining Community Assets. Pacific Grove, CA, Brooks/Cole. pp. 226-239.

Sherwood, D., Wolfer, T.A. and Scales, T. L. (2002).Spirituality and Religion, Decision Cases, and Competent Social Work Practice”. In Scales, T. L., Wolfer, T.A., Sherwood, D.A Garland, D.R. Hugen, B., and Pittman, S.W. eds. Spirituality and Religion in Social Work Practice: Decision Cases with Teaching Notes, Washington D.C. Council on Social Work Education, pp. 4-14.

Scales, T. L. (2002). “Case Method Teaching in the Social Work Classroom.” In   Scales, T. L., Wolfer, T.A., Sherwood, D.A., Garland, D.R. Hugen, and B., Pittman, S.W. eds. Spirituality and Religion in Social Work Practice: Decision Cases with Teaching Notes, Washington D.C. Council on Social Work Education, pp. 15-26.

Scales, T. L. (2002). “Baptist Women” in Martínez Alemán, A. M. and Renn, K. Encyclopedia of Women in Higher Education. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Scales, T. L. (2002). “Not In My House!” In Scales, T. L., Wolfer, T.A., Sherwood, D.A., Garland, D.R. Hugen, B., and Pittman, S.W. eds. Spirituality and Religion in Social Work Practice: Decision Cases with Teaching Notes, Washington D.C. Council on Social Work Education, pp. 200-209.

Scales, T. L., Kenny, E., and Morales, L. (2002). “Reason to Believe” In Scales, T. L., Wolfer, T.A., Sherwood, D.A Garland, D.R. Hugen, and B., Pittman, S.W. eds. Spirituality and Religion in Social Work Practice: Decision Cases with Teaching Notes, Washington D.C. Council on Social Work Education, pp. 165-175.

Morales, L., and Scales, T.L. (2002). “ Ya Me Voy (I Am Going Right Now)” In Scales, T. L., Wolfer, T.A., Sherwood, D.A Garland, D.R. Hugen, B., and Pittman, S.W. eds. Spirituality and Religion in Social Work Practice: Decision Cases with Teaching Notes, Washington D.C. Council on Social Work Education, pp. 69-76.

Scales, T. L. (2001) “Social Work with Baptists.” Chapter in Van Hook, M., Hugen, B. and Aguilar, M. Spirituality within Religious Traditions in Social Work Practice, Pacific Grove, CA, Brooks/Cole, pp. 185-204.

Scales, T. L. and Cooper, H.S. (1999). “Family Violence in Rural Areas: Law Enforcement and Social Work Professionals Working Together for Change.” In Carlton-LaNey, I, Edwards, R and Reid, P., eds. Preserving and Strengthening Small Towns and Rural Communities eds. Washington, D.C., National Association of Social Workers, pp. 104-16.

Heard-Mueller, B. and Scales, T.L, (1997). “Generalist Social Work with Rural Populations: Barriers to Practice.” Journal of American Business and Behavioral Sciences, Fall, vol 3, no. 2, pp. 86-93.

Scales, T. L. (1996). “The Lessons of House Beautiful: Daily Life and Learning at the Woman’s Missionary Union Training School, Louisville, Kentucky, 1907-1926.” Journal of American Business and Behavioral Sciences, Fall, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 100-108.