The End!?

So today was my last lab day, and I can’t believe we’re done with one whole semester! Being a part of this amazing group has taught me so much – from filter-sterilizing lysates to problem-solving skills. I am so grateful to Dr. Gibbon and Dr. Adair for all their work and help; I’ve honestly gained so much from this one semester! I can’t wait to find out what next semester has in store for all of us. This lab also wouldn’t have been the same without y’all- my fellow phage hunters. Thanks for being simply awesome. I’m also thankful for Pizooky. Although we haven’t known each other for too long, finding him (?) was probably the highlight of my semester. I’m so glad I got to be a part of this experience!!

Cool update on bacteriophage research…

Hey guys,

Here is an article about a scientist who is actively trying to get bacteriophage treatment approved as a weapon against e. coli and other pathogenic bacteria.

Almost there!

I’m finally about to catch up with most of you guys in lab! Yesterday, I went into lab and prepped/purified my DNA pellet for DNA digestion. Thankfully, I had help from Dr. Adair and was able to conduct the procedures without much trouble.  Otherwise, I probably would have been stressing out.

Something funny that did happen though–when we placed the microcentrituge tubes into the mini-centrifuge to spin/dry the filter for the final time, we heard a loud click as it began spinning.  We didn’t think much of it, and assumed that it must’ve been something snapping into place as the tubes were spun.  We were wrong.  When we looked inside the machine after the two minutes was up, we found that the plastic microcentrifuge tubes had cracked and shattered.  It’s never happened before, but luckily, my columns with the were undamaged, meaning my phage DNA is still safe! Yay!

I’m not even sure what I would’ve done if my phage DNA just splattered everywhere in the centrifuge.. I probably would’ve had a mini melt down. No joke.

I’m really excited to start the digestion today! I can’t wait to finally see the infamous DNA that we’ve been studying for so long.

Already the end?

Where has the time gone? It feels like yesterday that I was awkwardly digging through the soil, trying to find a phage. But literally just yesterday I basically completed the lab – I finally got my picture of the gel! (I essentially know what the DNA of my phage looks like!) I had the opportunity to tell a few of my friends what I have been doing in this lab, and they were amazed. They thought it was incredible that I had the opportunity to do all of these advanced laboratory procedures. And looking back, it has been crazy! In the beginning I did not even know what a microcentrifuge tube was. And I cannot wait for next semester when we spend time in the library researching and further understanding everything we learned in the lab.


So today, I was able to name/archive my phage. Because discovering that I had a phage made me as happy as eating a pizookie, I named it after the best dessert in the world. 


Today I finished my restriction digest. It was kind of stressful in the since that sometimes when pipetting .69 micro litters, its hard to tell if anything is actually being pipetted! (And not to mention the entertaining frenzy of everyone on that same step fighting for each of the enzymes and their perspective buffers!) But now that thats all done, i’m moving onto the final steps including the electrophoresis. This part of the lab has been so cool because i’ve gotten to work first hand with some unbelievable equipment for any undergraduate, especially for a freshman! (Heck, I even got to troubleshoot the photo spectrometer!) So I really am sad to see this experience go, but next semester is where we get to actually dive into our results and that too is exciting.

I remember when I first applied to this program. I was expecting to see some pretty cool stuff under a microscope and actually get some biology lab experience. But it really has turned out to be so much more. It still blows my mind with all the stuff that we’ve been able to do this semester! I want to believe Dr. Gibbon when he says that next semester is super cool, but I feel like comparing it to this semester is going to be pretty tough!


Oh, and I found a really really interesting study for my last blog post! So be on the lookout.

Comment on Robots=Humans? by Kirby

I agree, there is a very fine line between allowing the ease of technology to provide a relief from tedious work and using said technology as a crutch for incompetent individuals. I believe this branch of science still recquires a lot of research and work but I look forward to seeing more of this robotic technology in the future

Sad Day

So on Monday I was able to check the concentration of my DNA using the spectrophotometer. The concentration of my DNA was surprisingly low. I don’t know what the next step will be, I think I’ll be making a gel, but today I will be making a grid because I was not able to make a grid last time as it was breaking apart. Let’s hope I can find a phage today.

Oxytocin can Help Autistic Children

I read the article at and found it very interesting. It is about how a nasal spray of oxytocin can help autistic children. I really liked this article because my best friend’s little brother is autistic, so I am always interested in new treatments for these sweet kids.

Long time no post

Hey everyone!

Our first semester is coming to an end and unfortunately, I won’t be with you guys next semester! I switched my major to biomedical engineering a couple weeks ago and turns out that biology isn’t a part of the degree plan for BIOmedical engineering. Hmm…Weird. But, it is what it is!

But on a more exciting note–I am SO pumped about our EM phage photos! I literally squealed when I saw mine.  I was just a litttttle too excited. All the more reason I switched into biomedical engineering! The technology is just so fascinating.

On Monday, I plated a spot test for my ten 10-fold dilutions of my newly purified lysate. When I was spotting the 10 microliter drops of lysate dilutions, the drops didn’t form a circle/drop. The top agar seemed to be solidified (I waited about 7 minutes and doubled checked to make sure it wasn’t runny or moving). Either way, the drops spread out and made odd shapes, only to be absorbed by the TA within seconds.

My concern is that the drops ran together and will affect the titer calculation.. Hopefully this won’t be a huge problem since we only really look at the lower concentrations for calculations. Fingers crossed!

A day in the life…

Well not every day in research is worth bragging about.. yesterday was one of those days where not much got done and there wasn’t too much anyone could do about it. Yesterday I learned how to operate the spectrophotometer. While this is an amazing piece of equipment that at the end of the day did its job, it goes to show that sometimes things just don’t go as you planned. But! I did get my concentration for the DNA sample. I’m not sure if mine was really that concentrated, or if there is some contaminant DNA hiding somewhere in there.. but! I’ll be ready to calculate and perform my restriction digest on Wednesday!