Hang In There. It’s Almost Thanksgiving!

By Torie Abbott

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It is a wonderful time of year at Baylor Nation! With the conclusion of Homecoming festivities, the red cup Peppermint Mocha relaunch at Starbucks and daylight savings time this past Sunday, November is in full swing and winter is just around the corner. The semester is half way over, and most students are looking toward end of the semester projects and finals.

Pic 2One of the most time honored Baylor traditions is the All University Thanksgiving Dinner. Located in the Burleson Quad, this on-campus dinner is put on by the Junior Class Officers. This year, the dinner falls on the Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving, from 5-7 p.m. The entire Thanksgiving meal, turkey and all, is free of charge for students with the swipe of a Student ID.

I have loved this Baylor tradition since my freshman year! Thanksgiving is a wonderful time for food and family. For college students, however, this holiday occurs away from the friends they have made while at school. The dinner gives students the ability to have a Thanksgiving meal with the friends they have grown to love so much while away from home. It is just one of the ways that Baylor University makes its students feel so at home.

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