Go Greek!

By Torie Abbott

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Spring semester brings about all sorts of changes: a new set of classes, a refreshing start following the break, more basketball games, baseball season and beautiful weather. However, spring semester also brings about another buzz on campus: Baylor Spring Recruitment. More than 800 young women, along with the members of all eight Panhellenic chapters, returned to Waco and Baylor University a week prior to classes beginning for rush. As a sophomore sorority woman, it was my first time to participate in the recruitment process from the other side of things.

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Coming into Baylor University from high school, spring recruitment seemed like a big disappointment. The first semester of my freshman year, the pictures of my high school friends moving to their respective colleges and immediately joining the Greek system taunted me. It felt as though first semester drug on and on. Over the last year, however, I have been able to get a better understanding of the Greek system here at Baylor and what I have discovered shocks me; second semester recruitment is gift from God!

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It is so nice to have an entire semester for PNMs (potential new members) to get to know numerous sorority women from various groups, and for these groups to get to know the PNMs in return. Not only that, but it also gives the PNMs and opportunity to find their own space at Baylor. You develop friendship with all kinds of people and establish a lager network within the university. You also truly find out if going Greek is for you, and if it is, you discover the groups to which you feel you belong.

Another year of recruitment is in the books! A whole new set of new members will embark on their own journey through the Greek system, and believe me…it was worth the wait!