The Best Homecoming Yet (by P.J. Martinez)

As you may know, Baylor hosted it’s 103rd Homecoming this past weekend. Alumni returned, children wore their green and gold, and the Bears won! It was really a memorable experience. I think I enjoyed this year mostly because it was my last one as an undergrad. Seriously, where did the time go? It was definitely a time for “lasts.” My last time to perform in Pigskin. My last time to work on Float. And, I’ll repeat it, my last time to be a student during Homecoming!

The weekend started on Thursday with the first performance of Pigskin. It had been a while since I put on the dummy outfit, and let’s just say after a couple months, it was a tight fit! The adrenaline came back once I was on stage, and the performance got better as each day went by. Five weeks of practice payed off.

Also, this was also the weekend with little amount of sleep. Working on float causes you to not sleep that much. Going to sleep at 4 AM for three consecutive can make you really tired. My fraternity had the opportunity to join with the ladies of Delta Delta Delta and complete our Class B Winning float. The theme this year was That Good Old Baylor Farm. On it we had a barn, a house, and even live chickens. Seeing all the float really made me impressed. It’s interesting and fascinating to see how much time is put into making these floats come to life.

With the Bears winning and getting to spend with my family and friends, I’d have to say this was seriously the best Homecoming as an undergrad!!!