Baylor Halloween

By Avery Jackson

I love Halloween at Baylor! In the classrooms, most professors give out candy and some even cancel class! The dining halls always have Halloween treats and decorations, and it seems like everyone throws their own party! I was no different.

I hosted my second annual “Day-After-Halloween-Party” this past Friday. I have an 8 a.m.
Spanish class on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, so there was no way I could do anything on Halloween night since it fell on a Thursday. BUT, Friday was fair game!

I live right behind Waco Hall in Jamestown apartments. It’s a pretty ideal spot to have people over after class because you can walk from campus. Basically everyone knows where I live, and I always have people coming in and out. I invited everyone I knew to the party, and in anticipation for the turn out, I baked about 100 cupcakes! I had a cinnamon, vanilla, chocolate chip cupcake with a buttercream icing, a pumpkin with a cinnamon cream cheese icing and a Spanish double chocolate cupcake with a buttercream icing! Lets just say they were amazing!

The turn out was awesome, and I got rid of MOST of the cupcakes! I loved having my best friends all in one spot, and I even met some new faces. And, since costumes were encouraged, it made the atmosphere even more fun!

Baylor is always awesome around holidays, but Halloween may be one of my favorites simply because everyone can relate to it out of sheer fun. I mean, who doesn’t love candy and costumes? I think Baylor students may love dressing up more than the professors’ kids!

Cheetahs, Zebras and Bunnies! Oh My!

By Emily Woodby

TyFor me, Halloween marks the real beginning of fall. With pumpkin spice lattes and fall décor everywhere, I can’t help but savor the cooler breeze and the sense of warmth it somehow gives me. At the beginning of the year, one thing that I heard about constantly was the Freshman Leadership Organization’s (FLO) Halloween dance at Cameron Park Zoo. I didn’t know what to expect besides seeing other freshmen in costumes. Now I know what the rage was all about.


Beanie Babies

At the zoo, there are these huge stairs that lead down to the dance floor, which lies between two animal exhibits. I thought this was a really cool location; we were all dancing like crazy right next to monkeys and tigers that were just hanging out. OK, now to the most important part: the costumes. Earlier that day, my friends and I didn’t have a clue as to what we were going to be. Then, I had the grand idea of dressing up as Beanie Babies! They all laughed at me and doubted my brilliant plan, but who had the last laugh? I happen to think we made the cutest Beanie Babies there ever were, but I may be a little biased. Just like any other girl, I love to dress up, so Halloween is the perfect holiday for me!