Hunger in Texas Trip: 6 Students Served in West Texas Over Spring Break

After reflecting on the national scale of the Hunger in America Trip that the Texas Hunger Initiative (THI) takes in May, Field Director Jared Gould, Director of Programs Doug McDurham and No Kid Hungry Campaign Manager Grace Norman decided that they wanted Baylor students to experience and understand hunger and poverty that exists in their […]

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Chef Boy

At THI, we regularly say “summer is the hardest time of year for many students.” Unfortunately, we say it so often because it is reality for far too many children. When schools close, many children don’t have easy access to food. So, as summer draws closer, nonprofits, schools and congregations across the state are gearing […]

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Challenging Stereotypes: Students Can Have a Significant Impact in the Fight to End Hunger

Younger generations often are characterized in the media as materialistic, self-centered, unmotivated and disengaged. They’re glued to their smartphones, uninterested in the world around them. They don’t believe in working hard, yet feel entitled. These certainly aren’t the characteristics we associate with change agents. But studies are showing that Generations Y and Z are more […]

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