
To need support and love is not a weakness. Everyone should realize this. Relying on others is necessary for survival and is fundamental to living a full life. Unfortunately, numerous people, including myself, believe the lie that complete self-sufficiency is strength during their lifetime. Continue reading

Command A? Delete.

Last semester I took an introductory course in information management systems. Actually, this blog was started as a project for that class. Basically, we learned how to use computer programs such as Microsoft Excel or WordPress. I learned so much, that I have already forgotten it. (If we are being honest.) HOWEVER. I did learn some handy shortcuts that have stuck with me. Continue reading

Time to Look Good

Being home for Thanksgiving was a lot of things I never expected. I am so so so so so so so SO glad I got to spend time with family, and see people I hadn’t seen in a long while. We had a GREAT time.


Instantaneously, I have been hurting deeply. Continue reading

Bragging Rights

I have deep-rooted insecurity. I do not believe that people want to be friends with me without having something to gain from it, or I believe that they talk behind my back. I don’t always think I am beautiful. I hate the way my hair gets in humidity and I strongly dislike the fact that I look like I am fourteen when I am in fact five years older than that. All of this hurts. Deeply. I pray and I pray for God to take away these insecurities so that I can feel ok with who I am and with how others perceive me. The nested fear and self-dislike still haunts me. Continue reading