Majestic Views

The Colorado mountains are absolutely STUNNING.Flatirons


Just look at those flatirons from Boulder, Colorado. (This was the view from my high school parking lot. Wow.)




Oh, and don’t forget about the occasional Texas sunset. Something about the way the sun melts into earth before disappearing is just so breathtaking.




Or have you ever seen the coulds line up perfecty as the sun is setting to create pink shapes in the clear blue sky? (I see a heart, but I don’t know about y’all.)

Just look at that.


Fall at Baylor



What about the absolutely perfect view of your campus when the leaves change?


Yeah. Sic ’em.



Everywhere, every single day, there are these beautiful things surrounding us, and we hardly ever take notice. We get busy with school or work, or stressful holiday travel preparations and forget what is really important. So this week I challenge you: weather you are surrounded by snowy mountaintops, or on white sandy beaches, or if you are sitting in a dining hall staring out a window. I challenge you to spot the beauty of God’s creation. Focus on the things you see that he has done. (p.s. It’s not only limited to landscapes and trees!!!)

I am particularly excited to be praising God for the family he gave me, and the friends who have come into my life. From my sister who has grown and changed so much to a good and thoughtful friend who texted me to let me know how excited she is to see me- it’s all a part of gods doing in my life.

I am looking for this because of a passage I recently rediscovered:

“I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty and on Your wondrous works.”   Psalm 145:5

So I encourage you, dear friends, look for God’s hand this week as you celebrate Thanksgiving. Give thanks for the intricate and elaborate things you see and experience.

“Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!”   Psalm 95:2 (ESV)

Where are you seeing God in your life? Leave a comment below to share!





  1. I’m rediscovering the beauty of snow (woot, Iowa’s early winter), and the joy in simple things like dancing while I’m waiting for the walk sign at a crosswalk, or the designs in my spinach leaves. Or in the mane of lionesses. Or in the deep and exceptional colors of olives. Lots of olives.

  2. Yes, there is beauty everywhere! When I lived in Wisconsin, I loved the snow and the trees and the hills and the multitude of colors that the leaves would change to when it was autumn. Boulder doesn’t really have those as much as Milton did, but as you said, the mountains are wonderful. And I also like the view of the city at night from my house. It’s not nature, but the lights are still really pretty.

    • I agree with the lights of a city! They aren’t necessarily created by God, but his Hand is in everything. I love the one tall building in Waco. It’s just unique.

  3. There is so much beauty in nature that we seem to miss while we’re trying to keep up with the insanity that is jobs, school, hobbies, relationships, and everything else life seems to throw at us. We keep up, but at what expense? I know that I’ve missed countless sunrises because I was up too late the night before doing homework, I’ve missed the beauty of a fresh snowfall because I was busy working, and I know I would rather sleep than spend a night under the stars. It’s sad that we miss out on all this, but we need to praise God and thank him for all he has given us, and maybe once in a while appreciate it :)

  4. I find it lovely how God’s beauty can be found even in the most intricate processes of cell replication and protein synthesis. These small, precise processes are continuously repeated in each and every organism, millions of times a day. And as I learn more about the nuances in this highly sophisticated system called the cell, I am drawn to think that life was not an accident. I don’t know what happened at the beginning of the earth, and frankly I don’t deserve to know. But I know that there are signs that point to one thing; life was not happenstance. And I praise the King for this incredible gift of life.

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