Lamborghini, Mercy

Absolute perfection.

When touring the Lamborghini factory as a part of our study abroad trip, these three words/phrases were repeated by our enthusiastic and knowledgeable tour guide. She knew so much about the production of a Lamborghini. I was in awe, and I am really not a car person.

We witnessed a traditional Aventador headed for Plano, Texas, followed by a matte black custom one with an orange interior headed for the Emirates. Every car seemed more incredible than the last, and as far as cars go, they were beautiful cars.

Fun facts about Lamborghini:

  • Every car is completely assembled by hand from the hood of the car to the interior stitching on the leather.
  • In one day, only 13 Hurracans will be produced in the factory, and only 4 Aventadors will be produced.
  • Every aspect of the car is tested to assure its automotive perfection (this is also called quality-control for those who may not know business terms).
  • The cars are made to order, and will only go into production once the car is paid for in full.
  • The Italian police use a Lamborghini to transport organs for donations as imagefast as possible.
  • If you drive one, you will look incredibly good sitting in the front seat.

Ok. That last fact is my own personal opinion. On my study abroad trip, we had the option of driving either a Ferrari or Lamborghini or both or neither. I watched many of my friends drive these incredible vehicles, and I, myself got to speed off in a Lamborghini Hurracan for 20 minutes.

They aren’t kidding when they talk about the incredible control/speed/beauty of these things. I will take a second to humbly brag and say I hit 200 km/hr. Which is faster than I would care to drive in any other car. And all the while, I had a car from the factory chasing behind me. (One step of many in their quality control process.)

imageOn a completely different note, this trip is full of incredible people. I have made some really amazing friendships. One guy talked to me for upwards of an hour on his interest in space which was so cool because he knows so much. I met a girl who lived on my floor this year in good old Collins, the freshman girls dorm, and she is always so positive. Another girl who complimented my outfit on day one is one of the funniest people I’ve met. I tried sushi in Austria with a guy who won an award ath the Dallas International Film Festival. A bunch of my freaking beautiful Alpha Chi sisters are on the trip.

In brief, this trip is full of people with so many talents. Everyone has their passions. Everyone brings something different and neat to the table.

God put each of these people together with more care than at the Lamborghini factory. As David put it:

 “You created my inmost being;

You knit me together in my mother’s womb.”   -Psalm 139:13

And as humans we are imperfect. But by the mercy of God, we have been saved.

“For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.”   -Romans 8:20-21

I’ve said it in previous posts, but I’ll say it again: I struggle with insecurity. I can easily compare myself to every girl on this trip because they are all so so beautiful and so so fun. However, I’m learning not to.

It’s like comparing the Hurracan to the Aventador. Yes, there’s a difference in imageengine. The doors open differently. But at the end of the day, both are beautiful cars that can go really fast. And people come in different shapes and sizes and have different strengths and opinions, but at the end of the day, we are all children of God. So rather than simply acknowledging that we are God’s handiwork, we also admit that we are treasures simply because we were created intentionally.

David continues the previous verse,

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,

I know that full well.”   -Psalm 139:14

Full well. All of Gods handiwork is done with the utmost quantity control- His perfection.

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