Butane: Baylor University Transcript Analytics & Exploration Tool provided by Baylor University
Do you have interview transcripts in Word or PDF format? Want to mine and visualize these transcripts for word frequencies, parts of speech, named entities, sentiment, topics, and words in proximity of selected keywords? If so, this Jupyter Notebook is for you! This tool walks you through a research methodology in an easy-to-use manner to explore your interview transcripts using textual analysis.
Investigate the 4 W’s and the H:
This Jupyter Notebook is designed to walk you through 7 broad areas in order to explore your transcripts.
- Setup, where the Notebook installs all necessary libraries and you upload your transcript(s).
- Who is Speaking?, where you specify the narrators you want to analyze
- What are the Narrators Speaking About?, where you will explore word frequencies, word clouds, and topic modeling.
- Who, Where, and When are the Narrators Speaking About?, where you will identify locations mentioned by the speakers.
- How are the Narrators Speaking?, where you will identify the sentiment, or emotional tone, of the language used by the speakers.
- Why are the Narrators Discussing a Particular Topic?, where you will visualize words within proximity of targeted keyword searches.
Butane: Baylor University Transcript Analytics & Exploration Tool