Documentary Title: Nine Faculty Engaging in Digital Humanities: A 2020 Summer Documentary
Video #1:
Title: Introduction to the Fundamentals of Data Research (FDR) Fellowship
Duration: 6:03
Summary: Josh describes the history and evolution of the Baylor University Libraries’ Fundamentals of Data Research Fellowship and its core components of data visualization, text data mining, and data scripting.
Video #2:
Title: Introduction to the Nine Faculty Fellows
Duration: 10:56
Summary: The nine Fellows introduce themselves and their digital humanities projects at the outset of the summer.
Audio Issues: Due to a recording error, there are periodic audio issues within this video. Our deepest apologies.
Video #3:
Title: Fellows Grappling with Data & Scope: Four Examples
Duration: 11:58
Summary: The first task the Fellows must grapple with is access to data and a potential refining of their research scope. This video focuses on the following four Fellows:
- Sam Parler, School of Music
- Julie Holcomb, Museum Studies
- Nicholas Werse, Department of Religion
- Nicole Kenley, Department of English