The Sheep Fold

So the third day of our adventures in the Lake District consisted of us climbing up a hill to the ruins of a Sheep Fold. Its cool if you don’t know what a Sheep Fold is cause I totally didn’t. Its like a thing you put sheep in. Although it really just looks like a big pile of rocks in a somewhat circle-ish formation. This was the place that inspired Wordsworth to write his poem Michael.

This walk wasn’t as difficult as the one the day before but it was definitely inhaler worthy. The views were incredible. There was this little stream which we followed up the hill and it was just so cool looking I really could not get over it.

We got to the first landing and Dr. King told us to look for ruins of a Sheep Fold and then we would vote on which one we thought it was and discuss the poem while sitting on said Sheep Fold. I however didn’t hear Sheep Fold and just heard ruins. So I was looking around the landing and made a very compelling argument that we were actually standing on top of a castle that had been covered by stones during a landslide. The majority of the group went up the hill higher because they are much more athletic than I am and looked up there. They found the actual Sheep Fold so the few of us staying behind had to walk quite a bit father. But it was really pretty so I was happy about the whole situation.When we got to the Sheep Fold we sat and listened to Dr. King talk about Wordsworth and Michael.

Then it started raining. Which was actually totally awesome. It felt so nice after the long hike and it looked so amazing from up on the top of the hill to look down into the valley with all the rain falling. We hiked back down enjoying the cool rain and then went out for lunch.

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