
So we went to Abingdon last Wednesday. It is a lovely place. We bought lunch in a grocery store the we walked through a beautiful garden which sat upon the ground of where the abbey used to be. After that we went on a trail around the Thames river and loch. It was beautiful. Some parts of the area looked like a Monet painting. We then went back into the garden and enjoyed our lunches which we had previously gotten. We sat in a really cool looking tree. One of its branches made a little seat which is where we sat while we ate lunch.

We walked around the town and saw the cathedral which was extremely old and really cool looking. Margaret and I sat by the river and watched the ducks and swans swim around. It was a wonderful experience.

I spent the walk thinking about a graphic novel which I hope to finish by the time I graduate college. The time in nature helped me make decisions about the setting of the novel as well as some of the character backgrounds. It really helped me figure out some of the background information which I had been struggling with figuring out.