The Lake District

was awesome and beautiful and wonderfully amazing and perfect. Just perfect.

The second full day we were there we went on quite a hike up a very large hill. The walking/hiking while on the trail was very nice and pleasant but the hiking up the side of the hill was a little steep.

I definitely had to whip out my handy dandy inhaler, which I am very glad I remembered to bring. The views at the top were totally worth it though. It was absolutely incredible.

I took an absurd slightly offensive amount of pictures. I will not post all of them here because literally it is absurd how many pictures I have. I also spent some time sketching the scenery which was fun because I very rarely draw landscapes.

I then continued to use a bitty water coloring set I got at the National Gallery in London to paint said sketches.

I apologize for the awful quality of this picture (you can’t see the sky or the proper coloring). I sadly don’t have a scanner.

While on top of the hill we listened to Dr. King read some Wordsworth and we had a nice little lunch. Some other people went off exploring and chasing sheep. It was a wonderful experience.




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