New Discovery

Unearthing new evidence is an exciting part of science. Especially when the new evidence can give us a better understanding of our own past. I am excited to read more about this as even more is discovered.

Plan from here

So on Monday, I had phage on all 5 plates from 10^0 to 10^-4. 10^0 and 10^-1 were webbed, and I had many on 10^-2. For the next part of my experiment I picked a plaque from 10^-4 and did a dilution once again. Tomorrow I will do the same thing, so that I can purify the phage. Tomorrow will be my 2nd purification, and next week on Monday will be my 3rd purification. I am so excited to be finally on my way to purifying and isolating a phage!

New Discovery

So I was taking a break from studying and surfing the internet when I came across a really interesting article! A national geographic research team went to the top of Cape Melville, a mountain range in norther Australia that has been cut off from the rest of the world for centuries. While on this cliff they found 3 new species of animals, like obvious ones too! The picture below shows where in Australia they were searching and the 3 species they found. Nat Geo said that they will be sending another expedition there within the next several months to look for smaller species.

