Since this week is Spring Break here on the beautiful campus of Baylor University, we’re not going to post a full-on blog today. Instead, we hope you’ll enjoy two “spring cleaning” items of note!
1. We changed the look of our site to give it a fresh appearance for a new season. We’ve been at this whole “blogging about digital collections” thing since 2011, and a revamp to the site’s layout was definitely in order. If you see anything odd with your display, functionality or otherwise, let us know! Just shoot us an email at digitalcollectionsinfo[at]baylor[dot]edu.
2. After we announced our new Architecture Collection last week, we thought it’d be fun to periodically add digitally enhanced content to our various social media platforms, so this week we’re adding a revised version of an elevation for the McLennan County courthouse. This was an early version of J. Riely Gordon’s plans for the courthouse; this sheet is virtually identical to plans he’d drafted for the capitol of the state of Mississippi. Though his plans for Mississippi were not accepted, he was able to use a modified version of them to create our county courthouse in 1902.

McLennan County Courthouse, J. Riely Gordon, architect. Ca. 1901. Unretouched elevation of original proposed structure.
Thanks for reading, and be sure to spread the word to friends, family, colleagues, strangers on the street, or anyone else you think would be interested in the work we’re doing for the Baylor University Libraries Digital Collections!