Month: April 2014

(Digital Collections) Which Digital Collection Are You? (With Apologies to Buzzfeed et al.)

If you’ve spent more than 10 seconds on the Internet lately, you’ve seen and/or taken some form of online poll. They’re very popular on sites like Buzzfeed, and they’re always titled something like, “Which Cupcake Flavor Are You?” or “Which Shade of Mauve Embodies You As A Person?” and the like. Well, here at the DPG, we like having fun,…

(Digital Collections) Unheard for 100 Years No Longer: A Graduate Student Adds Audio to Selections from the Spencer Collection

For the past two semesters, the DPG has been working with Baylor University Museum Studies graduate student Hannah Haney Lovell on her graduate project, which involved adding a batch of new items to the Frances G. Spencer Collection of American Popular Sheet Music and enhancing them with recorded audio versions of those pieces. Last Friday, Hannah successfully defended her project…