Team Members: Stevie Damrel, Daniel Clute
Description: “In the fall season of 806 AD, the ordinarily peaceful land of Rome faced a crisis…”
A feud has broken out in the city of Rome! Pick a team and battle with a friend find out whom is the better commander!
This is a tactical strategy simulation game based on the real events of The Third Punic war.
Authenticity was our golden standard.
Instructions (Please Read!):
- Click and Drag to move pawns.
- Release in highlighted space to move or attack.
- Red highlighted spaces allow for attack.-Blue highlighted spaces allow for attack and movement.
- All pawns begin with 3 health
- If your pawn is attacked, how much health is lost is dependent on the color of the space he is on.
- Red: Loses 3 health (instant kill)
- Yellow: Loses 2 health (two-hit kill)
- Green: Loses 1 health (three-hit kill)
- A player wins once they have killed the enemy Caeser.
- A turn is complete once the current player has moved all pawns.
Hot Boy:
- Hot Boy is the name of the flame monster on the screen.
- Hot Boy will move freely after every turn.-If a player is inhabiting any of the 8 spaces around Hot Boy when a turn is completed, hot boy will attack, reducing 1hp from every pawn surrounding him. (The color of the space does not matter to Hot Boy.)
- If a player attacks Hot Boy, he will become immobile for 3 turns.