Line Camp (by Lexa Johnson)

As I was flying down to Waco on Tuesday, I was feeling a combination of excitement and nervousness.  I was so excited to get to spend a week on the beautiful Baylor campus and get to meet new people.  However, I was also nervous about meeting the right people and making genuine friends.  I was on my way to hopefully meeting some of my future best friends.

As line camp began, we broke into small groups and the awkwardness within my group was immediately broken by our leader.  I was blessed to not only have such an amazing leader, but amazing people in my group as well.  This week I definitely experienced incredibly genuine and loving people this week.  Everyone shared each other’s excitement to finally be at Baylor and taking part in some memorable Baylor traditions.  Our week at Baylor was filled to the brim with exciting activities and Baylor traditions.  The first night on campus, all of the students were bussed over to Floyd Casey Stadium where we were greeted by the Baylor Cheerleaders.  We all ate dinner together in the club level and learned the cheers for the football games.  Afterward, we walked down to Gate 8 where the Baylor Line traditionally enters the stadium to run the football team out.  We assembled down on the field and practiced for the fall.  We ran the cheerleaders onto the field as they cheered.  This glimpse into what the football season will be like this fall was amazing.  I did not think it was possible, but my excitement for the football season has only increased.  The second day at camp we all drove together to Independence, Texas where the original Baylor campus once was.  We all ate dinner together and then gathered in the church and listened to an alumni talk about her experience at Baylor and how Baylor has changed her life.  The leaders then released us campers to explore Independence and some of the landmarks there.  Upon conclusion of our exploring, we took a bus ride across the river to where the four original columns still stand.  God had painted the perfect setting for official initiation into the Baylor Line with an absolutely breathtaking sunset.  All of the freshmen gathered in front of the four columns and we all worshipped together.  It was so amazing to glorify God together with my future classmates as we prepared to be initiated into the Baylor Line.  During this worship time, we were told to think about what becoming a part of the Baylor Line means to us.  As I reflected on this, I became overwhelmed with excitement as God introduced me to these amazing people I am fortunate enough to spend the next four years with.  For me, being part of the Baylor Line means having amazing friends to spend the next four years with, to share in triumphs and heartache.  It also means that I have the opportunity to glorify God through my relationship with others and community service in Waco.

The third day of camp was jut as exciting as the first two as we explored what God’s calling for us is.  It was really helpful to get to spend time on what my specific calling is from the Lord.  We then broke off into teams and competed in a series of games and relays.  Following our “Bearing the Elements” competition we walked over to Common Grounds where we were given coffee and listened to live music.  The atmosphere at the coffee shop was really neat as it has been decorated with couches and has several tables outside.  They have an outdoor stage where the musicians played and we gathered at the many tables and couches.  Going to Common Grounds was such an amazing and unique experience.  The fourth day of Line Camp was my favorite by far.  We began the day by learning the importance of community gardens in Waco.  These gardens are used to provide fresh vegetables to families who have no other way obtaining them.  Afterward, we broke into our groups and each set out to volunteer at different community gardens in Waco.  I absolutely loved this service project because it directly helps the Waco community and was truly useful.  The main events that constituted that evening were the final banquet and the Sing competition.  We were fortunate enough to hear from a really inspiring speaker about taking hold of our dreams and learning form our mistakes.  The Sing competitions that night were very fun as each team strutted their stuff and displayed their creative performances.  The fourth day of Line Camp was my personal favorite because I felt that we were able to take part in experiences that encompass what Baylor stands for.

Line Camp was truly an amazing experience for me that I thoroughly enjoyed.  The activities that we were able to take part in truly extended a glimpse of what life at Baylor University will be like. However, what I enjoyed most about Line Camp was my small group.  We were thirteen strangers on the first day of camp but 13 best friends by the end of those five days.  Our nickname throughout camp was “The Smurfs.”  Everyone at Line Camp knew our group because we were always so loud and yelling our own Smurf cheer.  While discussing such in depth topics such as friendship and God’s calling for us, we really grew close.  It is exciting to know that when I step onto campus in two and a half weeks, I will have 12 best friends to reconnect with.  Although I was feeling nervous at the beginning of Line Camp, when I left on Saturday I was feeling completely excited to return in three weeks.  Now I am just counting down the days until I can move into my dorm at Baylor and reconnect with some of the amazing people I have already met. Move in day will officially mark the start of the beginning of my life at Baylor University.