Searching for the Nobel Prize winners

Perhaps you’ve heard in the news lately about the 2008 Nobel Prize winners. These people were all honored for their important contributions to literature, science and world peace. The 2008 Nobel Prize for Literature went to Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio, and if you are interested in reading any of his works, you can find them in BearCat, Baylor Library’s online catalog. If you choose “Search the Catalog by Author” and put in “Le Clezio” you will find a list of the books written by him, which the library has in its collection. The books that the library owns by...
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Just what did Congress pass last week to bailout Wall Street?

So let’s say your reading your gmail and you happen to take a look at what’s happening in the news.  You read that we are about to face the biggest financial crisis our nation has yet to experience.  Newsmakers and lawmakers are calling for a bailout.  The article mentions “H.R. 1424.”  What is this? This is shorthand for House of Representatives bill number 1424, and did you know you have access to this legislation? One way is searching for the bill number in GPO Access after the bill has been released.  Another way is by logging into LexisNexis Congressional. ...
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Welcome to Library411!

Have ever wondered how to start researching for a class assignment? Do you frequently get overwhelmed by the number of books and electronic resources the library has? Have you ever wanted to be a research ninja, searching and finding exactly what you need? Do you want to find authoritative information about current events? Do you just want to know how to navigate the library and the research process more quickly and efficiently? Library411 is the place to come to in order to find out about the great resources, tools, services the library provides, and to get tips and tricks...
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