Today in Class, We Are Playing Dodgeball then Dancing the Conga…

By Kilani Ju

As a psychology major, one class I had the option to take was positive psychology. I had heard many things about the class, but I had no idea how much I would enjoy it. Positive psychology is a course that teaches students how to live their lives in a positive way. From the psychology perspective, we learned several ways to relieve stress by finding positive outlooks.

One day in class, my teacher lectured on the subject of “play” and how important it is to incorporate some kind of “play” in one’s life. It can range from taking time to ride your bike, going to the pool to swim or grabbing coffee with a friend. Once you find something you enjoy, you should apply it to your daily routine. Play is a way to take a break from your everyday life and from the stress you are currently dealing with and to find a moment to do something fun.

After giving an introduction of play and how it can change your mood in a positive way, my teacher announced that we would be having a “play” day in class. As he grabbed a netted bag filled with Nerf balls, he told us that for the remaining time we would be playing dodgeball outside of the Baylor Sciences Building. We all looked at each other with shock and excitement written across our faces. We ran outside, grabbed the balls and began to play dodgeball.

After we played a game of dodgeball, we went back into class where we were surprised again to find out that class was not over just yet. My teacher then announced that we would be listening to “We are Family” and doing the Conga until class was over. For the rest of class, my classmates and I danced away, bonding with one another while laughing and grooving to the music. Most importantly, we were having fun. When class was over, I left knowing that day would go down in the books as one of my favorite memories at Baylor. If you plan to be a psychology major, I highly recommend you taking Positive Psychology.

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