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Congratulations to Rohil! Rohil won the graduate presentation award at the 2023 Texas APS meeting.

Dr. Zhang and three group members (Rohil, Nusrat, and Sanjib) presented at the 2023 Princeton-TAMU-Casper-Baylor Summer School on Quantum Physics and Biophysics.

Rohil, Nusrat, and Sanjib participated as lab mentors at the 2023 Quantum Science Summer Camp for high school students and teachers.

Aman Patel won the 2023 Undergraduate Outstanding Platform Presentations award at the Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Achievement (URSA) week! Congratulations!
Nolan won the F. Ray Wilson Award for Best Thesis in the Physical and Life Sciences (2022) in the Honors Program. A maximum of one winner is selected each year from each of the Social Sciences, the Physical and Life Sciences, and the Humanities (which includes music, art, theater, and other fine arts). The following website will tell you more about the Wilson Award:

Congratulations to Nolan! Nolan is awarded the Beth Wilson Memorial Award! The Beth Wilson Memorial Award is awarded each year to the top Baylor graduating senior who majors in mathematics. This year’s winner is Nolan Craft, who is a physics major with a double major in math.

Congratulations to Nolan! Nolan has successfully defended his Honor’s thesis.
Congratulation to Aman! His Baylor 2022 URSA Scholars Week presentation was chosen as an Outstanding Presentation.

Congratulations to Aman! Aman’s application for URSA (Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Achievement (URSA) research grant is awarded ($4,620)!
Aman Patel won the Best Material Science Poster award at the 56th meeting of the Texas Society for Microscopy (TSM) in March 2022!
Congratulation to Aman! His Baylor 2022 URSA Scholars Week presentation was chosen as an Outstanding Presentation.
Brian Ko accepted a test engineering position at MKS Instruments! Congratulations!
Khant Minn accepted an optical engineer position at Intel Corporation! Congratulations!
Khant successfully defended his PhD dissertation on March 18th, 2021. Congratulations, Dr. Minn!
Khant’s paper “Interfacing photonic crystal fiber with metallic nanoantenna for enhanced light nano-focusing” by Photonics Research is online.
Brain’s paper “Multi-pulse Laser-Induced Bubble Formation and Nanoparticle Aggregation using MoS2 Nanoparticles” by Scientific Reports is online. Full-text access to the paper by using the following link:
Brain’s paper “Multi-pulse Laser-Induced Bubble Formation and Nanoparticle Aggregation using MoS2 Nanoparticles” has been accepted by Scientific Reports.
Blake’s paper “Probing the Effect of Chemical Dopant Phase on Photoluminescence of Monolayer MoS2 Using in Situ Raman Micro-Spectroscopy” has been accepted by the Journal of Physical Chemistry C.
Brain’s paper “Enhanced Four-Wave Mixing Process Near the Excitonic Resonances of Bulk MoS2” has been accepted by Photonics Research. Congratulations!
Dr. Zhang was selected as Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck Guest Professor at University of Innsbruck, Austria.
Blake’s Paper “Spatially-Resolved Photoluminescence of Monolayer MoS2 under Controlled Environment for Ambient Optoelectronic Applications” is published on ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2018, 1 (11), pp 6226–6235.
Blake’s Paper “Probing Interaction between Individual Submonolayer Nanoislands and Bulk MoS2 Using Ambient TERS” was published in J. Phys. Chem. C 2018 122(5) 2753-2760.
Yaobiao (Eric) Xia’s paper “Imaging Reactions of Acetone with Oxygen Adatoms on Partially Oxidized TiO2(110)” has been accepted by Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Congratulations!
Dr. Zhenrong Zhang and Bo Zhang attended Surface Analysis 2012 hosted at the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory in Richland, Washington State, June 19-22, 2012. Bo Zhang presented a talk entitled “Adsorption and diffusion of acetone on rutile TiO2 (110)”. Dr. Zhang moderated the Catalysis session.
Bo Zhang and Yaobiao (Eric) Xia presented two posters at the Southwest Catalysis Society 2012 Spring Symposium, held in Houston, TX. Also attending was Dr. Zhenrong Zhang. Bo Zhang’s poster title is “Adsorption and Diffusion of Acetone on Rutile TiO2 (110)”. Yaobiao Xia’s poster title is “Acetone Assisted Diffusion of Oxygen Vacancies on TiO2 (110)”.
Yaobiao Xia won the best poster prize at the Southwest Catalysis Society 2012 Spring Symposium.
Amir Ali who has been doing research in Dr. Zhang’s lab presented a poster entitled “TiO2(110) Sample Preparation & Installation of Molecular Doser” at URSA Scholars Week. The poster has been chosen as one of the URSA Scholars Week Outstanding Poster Presentations. His poster is displayed in the Moody and Jones libraries from next Tuesday, April 17, 2012, to the final day of school.
Dr. Zhang’s interview with Nature.
We look for motivated and enthusiastic undergraduate and graduate students to join our group. Given the interdisciplinary nature of this research, students from departments other than Physics may also apply.
The first step in becoming a Master or Ph.D. student in our group at Baylor University is to be accepted by the department (application deadline – February 15th for the Fall semester).
For more information, please contact Dr. Zhenrong Zhang.