Enjoy Life

It’s officially summer time, school’s out, tour is over, and the days are long. Life has us go to school for years, learn, and find a job to use what we learn. Always moving, always going to the next thing. but a wise man once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you dont stop and look around once in a while, you might could miss it”.There is a lot that happens to us in the day-to-day grind, some bad, some good, its our job and my challenge to you to see it. In a movie i watched recently, about a time traveller who is searching for love, he used his gift to relive everyday, seeing the beauty in every moment, to smile more, to laugh more, to play more. Eventually he began to live each day as if he had already come back to it, to enjoy it, as if it was the full final day of his extraordinary, ordinary life. in Ecclesiates Ch 8 v 15 it says, “So i recommend having fun, because there’s nothing better for people to do under the sun but to eat, drink and be glad. This way we will experience happiness along with the hard work that God gives us”.
We are all traveling through time, every day of our lives. And all we can do is do our best to enjoy this remarkable ride.

3 thoughts on “Enjoy Life”

  1. I think this is really important to remember. Each day should be a reminder of the beauty and love and grace that God shows us and we should try to use it to glorify Him. I’ll take this message and start applying it because I sometimes get caught up in the business of life and forget.

  2. I love this post. It’s very inspirational and really makes you sit and think about every little thing you do throughout the day. It made me feel a little unappreciative, but going forward, I will know to be thankful for the little things. I love that movie by the way. -Arielle

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"To live would be an awfully big adventure"