Physics 5331 Syllabus
7. Time Varying Fields II
7.1 Conservation of energy; energy flux
7.2 Conservation of momentum; Maxwell stress tensor
7.3 Conservation of angular momentum; shear tensor
7.4 Viewpoint on effective conservation laws for macroscopic media
7.5 Maxwell stress tensor example
7.6 Lienard-Wiechart potentials
7.7 Green function for half-infinte geometry
7.8 Discrete transformation properties of electromagnetic quantities
7.9 Connections between classical electromagnetism and quantum field theory
8. Plane Electromagnetic Waves and Propagation in Matter
8.1 Plane waves in dielectric media
8.2 Reflection and refraction of plane waves from dielectric interfaces I: E perp polarization
8.3 Reflection and refraction of plane waves from dielectric interfaces II: B perp polarization
8.4 Brewster’s angle and total internal reflection
8.5 Simple model for constitutive relations
8.6 Model applications to plasmas, metals and dielectrics
8.7 Kramers-Kronig relations
8.8 Dispersion in one-dimension: theory and example
9. Wave Guides and Resonant Cavities
9.1 Boundary conditions near an imperfect conductor
9.2 General considerations for wave guides of arbitrary cross section
9.3 Example: rectangular waveguide modes
9.4 Power loss in waveguides: power method
9.5 Power loss in waveguides: perturbation of boundary conditions
9.6 Rectangular resonant cavity
9.7 Eigenmode expansion for spherical resonant cavity
9.8 Energy loss and resonant frequency shift in resonators
9.9 Orthogonality properties for wave guide eigenfunctions
9.10 Reflection and impedance properties of thin diaphragms in waveguides
9.11 Variational examples: thin diaphragms in rectangular waveguides
10. Radiation of Systems and Point Particles; Scattering
10.1 EM radiation of systems: harmonic formalism
10.2 EM radiation of systems: real source formalism
10.3 Frequency distribution of radiated power
10.4 Physical interpretation of multipole expansion approximation
10.5 Dipole and quadrupole contributions to radiated power
10.6 Point particle radiations: Larmor and Lienard results
10.7 Synchrotron radiation from periodic trajectories: general considerations
10.8 Synchrotron radiation from circular periodic motion
10.9 Definition of polarized scattering cross sections
10.10 Kirchhoff identity for scattering
10.11 Conducting sphere: short wavelength scattering
10.12 Optical theorem
10.13 Conducting shpere: partial wave techniques
11. Relativistic Formulations of Electrodynamics
11.1 The exact relativistic transformation and covariant notation
11.2 Relativistic form of Maxwell’s equations
11.3 The “light cone”
11.4 Invariance properties of Lorentz transformations
11.5 Energy/momentum aspects of Lorentz transformations
11.6 Relativistic kinematics in the context of linear and circular particle accelerators
11.7 Relativistic Lagrangian for electrodynamics
11.8 Covariant form of the energy-momentum tensor
12. Feynman Wheeler Theory of Radiation Resistance
12.1 Background
12.2 Feynmann propagator
12.3 Radiation reaction calculation
References for Ch.12