New to Baylor

Thankful for my Baylor friends. 

As I come to a close on my first semester of college, I want to reflect on being new to Baylor. As a new student a few months ago, I was so worried about meeting the right friends. However, Baylor ensured I would meet someone great. First of all, Baylor attracts such a great crowd and I realized that right away. But the program that I hope Baylor will always continue is Welcome Week.

Welcome week

The first few days after moving in before classes start, Baylor has a series of events that are tailored to getting the freshman connected to one another and involved in student life. All freshman are put in groups to get to know one another. If it was not for a welcome week, I probably would not have met my now Baylor Bestie, Isabelle Randazzo. We hit it off once we met each other, and I cannot imagine not having a friend like her to survive the first semester with.  

Thankful for being new to Baylor, and thankful for meeting Izzy!