Learning to Utilize Resources at Baylor

First semester

My first semester has been a whirlwind. Beyond all of the social obstacles, I have had to learn how to utilize all of the resources that I attended Baylor for. In a separate post, I had mentioned that I attended Baylor for its commitment to helping its students succeed. But there is no such thing as bottle feeding in college, you still have to somewhat help yourself. So two of the most helpful resources I have found are office hours and the writing center. 

Office hours 

My Professors seem to always be available to allow me to come in and talk through everything that I did not understand about the coursework. This has been extremely helpful in Precal. 

The Writing Center

The writing center is where you can sit down with an instructor for an hour straight to work on an essay or speech or resume. It is completely free and it helps me bounce ideas off of somebody when writing or perfecting an essay.

I have really enjoyed getting to know Baylor and so far, these are my two favorite resources that have helped me along my first semester. 

Why I chose Baylor

About a year ago I had no idea where I was supposed to go. I mean a school is a school right? I had no idea what differences to look for that would tell me which one I fit with best. Fast forward to me being enlightened by some things I should be thinking about and here is why I chose to attend Baylor University. 

  • In Highschool, I was most successful when my teachers would allow me to come in and they would help me figure out anything that I did not understand. After High school, that is really difficult to find. At Baylor, every single professor wants to know you and wants to make sure you can come into office hours anytime to make sure that you are helped. This makes Baylor so unique because my friends at state schools like A&M, Texas State, or even Tech, cannot believe the kind of one on one time you get with instructors here. 
  • I am a Christian and that is a very big part of who I am. Coming from a public school system in which we are not allowed to talk about religion it means the world that at Baylor we are required to discuss religion. 
  • The small campus is super nice to navigate. The farthest point on campus takes me 20 minutes to walk to, but that is only because I am a slow walker. 
  • Being your class sizes are smaller, your professors have fewer students so they can focus and really serve the students that they do have. This also means most of them will learn your name. 
  • The traditions are super rich here from homecoming to Christmas on fifth, there is always joy on campus. 

I could keep bulleting points forever, but overall, Baylor is a wonderful school that I was drawn to by all of the resources available to the students and the Christian core values that uphold the school’s honor. I could not have made a better choice last February. 

New to Baylor

Thankful for my Baylor friends. 

As I come to a close on my first semester of college, I want to reflect on being new to Baylor. As a new student a few months ago, I was so worried about meeting the right friends. However, Baylor ensured I would meet someone great. First of all, Baylor attracts such a great crowd and I realized that right away. But the program that I hope Baylor will always continue is Welcome Week.

Welcome week

The first few days after moving in before classes start, Baylor has a series of events that are tailored to getting the freshman connected to one another and involved in student life. All freshman are put in groups to get to know one another. If it was not for a welcome week, I probably would not have met my now Baylor Bestie, Isabelle Randazzo. We hit it off once we met each other, and I cannot imagine not having a friend like her to survive the first semester with.  

Thankful for being new to Baylor, and thankful for meeting Izzy!