
I met with my preceptor this morning to talk about my residency plan and my major project. I’ve known for a while that I would be working with the Waco Foundation on a project called Smart Babies. The problem was that when I met with the Waco Foundation people, they couldn’t seem to tell me what my role would be and I was having trouble figuring out how that tied back to Hillcrest and my residency. I was starting to worry that it wouldn’t be a great learning experience as far as what we are trying to learn in the MBA program. But Marcy told me what my project actually is, and now I’m excited! I will be helping Hillcrest open a low birth weight clinic. I heard this is something they’ve been trying to do for years but the pro forma is consistently in the red, causing the project to be halted. Hopefully I can find some areas where the financials can be tweaked and put us in the black. I would really like to make this clinic happen before I leave my residency. I’ll keep y’all updated on what happens with that.

Another very exciting thing happened today! The marketing director came by my office and said that the lady who does all the flyers and videos for Hillcrest is going out on maternity leave next month and that he’s been scrambling to find someone who can fill in on some projects while she’s out. Hiring outside firms to do that kind of work in expensive, so they were hoping to find someone internally. Luckily, I had a conversation with David and Will about my undergrad degree and how much I love video editing. So we’re setting up a time for me to sit with the lady and learn how to use the software since I’m used to different programs. I’m extremely excited! I never thought I’d get the opportunity to use my undergrad degree and my passion for editing in a healthcare setting. I guess you really never know when opportunities can pop up since they usually come out of nowhere.

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