

Note: Look for the title alphabetically on the page that displays.)Statista is a portal that integrates thousands of diverse topics of data and facts from a wide range of sources onto a single platform and provides data on over 80,000 topics from more than 10,000 different sources including agriculture, advertising, health, hospitality, consumer goods, and more. Categorized into market sectors, Statista provides access to quantitative facts on many areas of interest. Sources of information include market researchers, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases.

Please provide us with feedback on this resource.

Trial expires on Friday, November 20, 2015.

Passport GMID Industrial Module 

Passport GMID Industrial looks at industries from a B2B perspective. It breaks down the GDP of a country into 177 industry sectors over 18 countries and provides production size data for industries like Agriculture, Mining, Medical Devices, Machinery, etc. The country coverage has been expanded by 50 countries to round out the module to 68 country coverage. Industrial is perfect for Supply Chain, Strategic Management, and Agriculture courses.Please provide us with feedback on this resource.

Trial expires on Thursday, December 31, 2015.

Passport GMID Nutrition Module 

Passport GMID Nutrition examines the total amount of nutrients purchased through packaged food and soft drink products worldwide, evaluating eight key nutrients in 54 countries. GMID’s Nutrition module allows users to gain an understanding of health and dietary trends in target markets, formulate recipes and develop new offerings by country to better suit dietary variances, local taste preferences and regulations, and more.Please provide us with feedback on this resource.Trial expires on Thursday, December 31, 2015.

SAGE Research Methods 

Assists researchers, faculty and students, by allowing them to search for methods concepts and to understand a particular method or identify a new method. This tool helps the researcher design research projects, conduct their research, and write up their findings.Please provide us with feedback on this resource.

Trial expires on Thursday, October 15, 2015.

SAGE Research Methods Cases 

Provides a collection of case studies on social research designed to help understand abstract methodological concepts.Please provide us with feedback on this resource.

Trial expires on Thursday, October 15, 2015.

EMIS University

Covers key emerging markets delivering company profiles or financials, premium research reports, local multi-source news, macroeconomic data and statistics from primary sources, and forecasts. With a 10 year searchable archive, users have a rich information source to research new emerging markets around the globe.

Please provide us with feedback on this resource.

Trial expires on Friday, October 23, 2015.

Web of Science Core Collection

The Baylor Libraries recently acquired additional backfiles for this resource, moving the years of indexed content to 1965 to present for the Science Citation Index and the Social Sciences Citation Index.  Previously, the indexed content was 1970 to present).

Web of Science. Current Contents Connect

Contains table of contents and bibliographic information from scholarly journals and books since 1998 to present in the areas of Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences; Social & Behavioral Sciences; Clinical Medicine; Life Sciences; Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences; Engineering, Computing & Technology; Arts & Humanities; Business Collection; Electronics & Telecommunications Collection. Includes Basic Search (by topic topic, title, author, publication), Advanced Search, Browse Journals. Limitable by facets. Web of Science

Music Industry Data

Covers all genres from pop to classical, jazz and world music. This is a growing repository of historical and current data under exclusive academic license from Billboard (USA), Official Chart Company (UK), Media Control and many more reporting agencies In the Americas, Europe and Asia. Researchers can use Music Industry Data to measure the impact of music across countries and cultures. Contains tools to analyze historic and current music data.

Please provide us with feedback on this resource.

Trial expires on Friday, February 20, 2015.

American Doctoral Dissertations

A digital version of  the only comprehensive record of dissertations accepted by U.S. universities during coverage dates. Includes those universities that did not send their dissertations to UMI.  Taken from the print index, Doctoral Dissertations Accepted by American Universities 1933-1955 and provides full page images of the original print index. May be searched by author, title, subject and university.  Beware that when Ebsco says PDF full text it is not full text of the dissertation but full text of the entry in Doctoral Dissertations Accepted by American Universities which is only a brief bibliographic record.

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