Michael Ramey's MBA Experience

The Baylor MBA Program and everything it has to offer!

Tag: Baylor MBA (page 2 of 5)

Is this even possible?

Back in late 2014 and early 2015, I was sitting at home after work wondering if it is even possible to go back to school.  Here I was 7 years into my career, but I was searching for something new and challenging.   I had always wanted to go back to school, but did not know what it would be like to lose income and focus on school for a year and a half.

Well, my year and a half has flown by and I am graduating in December.  Let me tell you firsthand that I made the right decision.  Yes, it was difficult leaving the comfort of a job and steady pay, but I saved for this opportunity and made it everything-is-possiblework.  Yes, the program is challenging, but it was just what I needed to get a jump start on my next career.

YES! It is possible.

Life is a journey, enjoy where it takes you!

Sic ‘Em Bears!

Everything to love about Fall

Fall is officially here (woohoo) and while it is still 95 degrees outside, here are some of the things I am looking forward to. sweaty

  • Not getting drenched in sweat just walking to class.  Seriously this has to stop.
    • Cooler weather should be here soon.  Both me and my A/C are happy about this.
  • Time
    • Fall Back – that means grad students actually might sleep for at least an hour.
  • TV Shows are back
    • Fire up the Netflix and Hulu.  There are some marathons in my future, and I am not talking about running.
  • Pumpkin spice everything…. Lines at Starbucks just got longer people.  Plan accordingly.  pumpkin-spice-everything
  • Fashion Changes
    • Ugg boots….I never understood why Crocs didn’t catch on.  Are Ugg’s even edible?
    • Scarvesboots
    • Sweaters
    • Boots…Star Wars called, they want Hans Solo back
    • Turtlenecks? Ok, just me I guess.
  • Halloween
    • Costumes – Just another way to spend your graduate assistant money!
  • Leaves changing on campus
    • Even though this is Texas, Baylor’s campus transforms into a technicolor landscape.
  • Football
    • Baylor is on a roll so far and we are getting into the crucial Big 12 games!
  • Fall Holidays
    • Thanksgiving – a culmination of all the fall training exercises…TV, Food and Football
    • Fall Break – October 21st and it can’t come soon enough…

Sic ‘Em Bears

It’s FINALS time! Stressed?

Short answer — yes, this is grad school.

The great news is that even though you are stressed, Baylor has lots of tools to help you combat that stress.

Baylor Wellnessgetting-rid-of-stress

Baylor Relaxation Techniques

Baylor Counseling – Stress Management

Baylor Counseling – Guided Relaxation Podcast

Baylor Counseling – Sleep Deprivation

Besides these awesome links, there are some physical spots on campus that can help with all that stress.marina

The Bear Trail


The SUB Bowling

The Marina


Now that you know how to get rid of that stress, take a break and explore everything Baylor has to offer!

Sic ‘Em Bears!

Pets in Grad School!

So I feel pretty fortunate to come home each day to a fuzzy Goldendoodle named Teddy.  Initially I was worried about having Teddy at school with me since I was going to be doing homework and having team meetings, but it has turned out to be a blessing.  20160723_192401

Teddy can make a hard day that much better.  Stressed about an assignment or upcoming test?  Walking in to the apartment to a wagging tail and a wet nose will immediately melt the stress.

Yes, I do have break from studying to walk him and have to find someone to watch him if I leave town for a day, but it is completely worth it.

If you are considering having a pet while at school, I would highly recommend it!

Sic ‘Em Bears!

Job Search?!?!

You have only a short 17 months in the MBA program and it will seem like you are searching for a job/internship a majority of that time.  To help you get through the struggle of job searching on top of all the school work, I have included some tips and tricks just for you!

#1 – Work with family, friends, and Career Management to customize your resume for the specific roles you are looking for.  Having a tailored resume and cover letter will help you with the ATS and provide a higher chance of landing that interview.  Plus having a updated and reviewed resume helps you feel confident in what you are sending out.

#2 – Schedule a set time every week to devote to job search activities.  Vitally important.  With all the homework and outside activities we seem to get involved in, it can be hard to set aside time for job searching.  Make this a priority at least once a week and stick to it.

#3 – Track it! Maybe I am a nerd, but I have an Excel spreadsheet of all the places I applied, what the job role is, where is the job located, when I applied, when I sent a follow up email and a few other key data points.  This will help you keep it all straight as you start to get emails back from the various companies.

#4 – Use your resources.  Baylor provides Handshake, CareerShift, and access to NBMBAA.  You have access to LinkedIn, your contacts(network), and the internet.  Use as many avenues as you can to increase the chances of landing that dream job.

#5 – Follow Up.  Be persistent in your efforts to reach a real person and build that relationship.  Let people know you are interested and be genuine.  Someone will take notice and hopefully hire you!

Best wishes!

Sic ‘Em Bears!

Focusing on what is important

So many times, we are bombarded by influx of tasks and duties that we rarely step back to focus on why we are here. For most, it is the hope for a better job and for others a chance to change their way of life.

I beg to differ.

We are here to build lasting friendships that will carry us into the future. We are here to learn how to think and be open to new ideas so that we may share those same contributions with others. Take this opportunity while you are in school to hone in on your priorities, because when the work starts it can become even more slanted away from what really matters, God and Family.

Short and sweet, but thought it was important.

Sic ‘Em Bears

A Weekend in Waco

Finally the week is over…you are done with homework and ready to relax.  You are probably wondering what to do here in Waco.  Having lived in Waco for over 5 years now, I have some ideas for you to try.


8:00am – Wake up (just kidding, sleep in)
9:30am – Cafe Homestead – a little outside of town, but worth the drive
11:00am – Waco Farmers Market – Great place to shop for local produce or gifts
12:30pm – Schmaltz‘s – A Baylor and Waco favorite for sandwiches
1:30pm – If outdoors is your thing, try BSR Cable Park, Cameron Park or Tonkawa Falls.  If shopping is your thing, try Magnolia, Spice Village, or Central Texas Marketplace.
6:00pm – Hungry from all the activity?  Try Baris or Poppa Rollos for some great, local Italian.
7:30pm – Go see a movie at one of the theaters
9:30pm – Dessert right?  Stop by Katie’s Custard or find the Pokeo‘s truck.


9:00am – Wake up
10:00am – Church – Waco is home to over 150 churches (including Church’s Chicken)
12:00pm – Cafe Cappuccino – the breakfast burrito and banana nut french toast are awesome
1:00pm – After all that food, working out may be in order.  The SLC is open.
2:00pm – Go to one of the many museums or the zoo.
5:30pm – Slippery Minnow – great place on the lake for live music
7:30pm – Realize that you haven’t washed clothes in a few weeks.
8:00pm – Go to HEB and buy Febreeze (Don’t act like you have never done that)
9:00pm – Take you dog for a walk on campus near the fountain and get ready for an awesome week

Have anything that didn’t make the list?  Leave a note in the comments!

Sic ‘Em Bears!

Graduate Housing – Where to Live?

Waco is home to 3 higher education campuses so there is plenty of housing options to choose from. This post will review a few options and hopefully point you in the right direction.

If you are coming to Baylor for the MBA program alone, you will be here for 3 semesters.

If you are doing a dual degree program like MBA/MSIS, it will be at 2 years. MBA/JD will be 3-4 years.

If you are going to do MBA/MDiv, it may be worth finding more permanent housing options as the hour requirement is high.

Baylor Options:browning square

Baylor does offer graduate living in two of its own apartment complexes. The Quadrangle and Browning Square.  These are usually in high demand as they are close to campus and very reasonable in terms of rent and bills.  quadrangle-022

Other Options:

There are tons of places, so a few places to start your search include: Bear Cribs, Brothers Management, Carbajal Realty.

Location, Location, Location:

By campus, downtown, by the lake, off LaSalle, by the river????  To my knowledge most of the current students live fairly close to campus.  There are pros and cons to consider.  The closer to campus may mean you do not need a parking sticker.  The farther from campus may be more family friendly and quieter, but you would need to find a parking spot each day(not always easy).  One thing to consider: Waco is not that big and you can get around fairly quickly.

I hope the search goes well!

Sic ‘Em Bears!

North Bay – Part 3

It is our final day in Canada and we had a full schedule, but lucky for us it was all play.  We had accomplished our goal of the presentation and today, we were going to be taken to all of the North Bay area’s attractions.  We started a little later today and drove south towards Powassan.   This small town in Northern Ontario was bustling with people and parking was hard to come by.

We were scheduled to have a pancake breakfast with the mayor, but little did we know it was their annual Maple Syrup Festival. DSC_0294 Sitting down at breakfast I reached for some sweet tea, but soon realized this is how Canada does maple syrup.  After a filling breakfast, we were placed at the front a parade that was led by firefighters playing the bagpipes.  Ending up at the center stage, we were invited to watch the ceremonies begin with pancake tossing.  Our very own, Ryan Hodges led Team America to a international co-champion victory by successfully making two pancakes in the basket.

We perused the rest of the festival in time to tour the actual maple syrupDSC_0309 farm.  At the farm, we were able to participate in a hay ride, syrup pops, and a factory tour.  After a quick stop to get some poutine, we drove up the hill to the airport.

At the airport we were met with one of the members of the Invest North Bay board and his helicopter.  We eager waited while he got it started.  Once started, four at a time jumped in ready to see North Bay from the air.  Everyone DSC_0359came off the helicopter smiling and thanked the pilot once more.

We ended the night eating wings at a local restaurant and taking group pictures.  Everyone said their goodbyes and we were on our way back to Texas!

Sic ‘Em Bears!

North Bay – Part 2

Rise and Shine.  It is 7:00am, you have only slept for 4 hours.  You stumble down the hall in your suit, walk into the hotel lobby and see other team members doing the same.  You gather in a room off the lobby and start to practice for the big moment.  People are staring at their written speech while some rehearse in their head.  This is game time and people are giving it their all.

Fast forward an hour and a half and we are standing in front of the Invest North Bay board.  Having barely made it DSC_0192through a full run through, we are all a little nervous.  It begins and we do what MBA’s do best, excel under pressure.  We have had many times like this in class and this is no different except the fact we are no longer in front of classmates.

The presentation went great and we have only a little while until we present in front of 300 community members.  We rehearse a little more and tweak slides until the last minute.  We all want this to go well, so no pressure.  This time we are on a stage with a mic.  The crowd is listening intently to every word in the hopes they hear a solution that will spur growth in their community.   The presentation again went great.  We stood on stage for another 15 minutes and answered live Q&A and were interviewed by the local media.  DSC_0204

After the whirlwind of the day, we went to a dinner and probably failed at keeping up an intelligible conversation, but we were done and it was a success.  All of the hours (over 5000) of work were laid out for the city to see and they appreciated our effort.

Great job everyone!

Sic ‘Em Bears!

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