Michael Ramey's MBA Experience

The Baylor MBA Program and everything it has to offer!

Category: MBA Insider (page 1 of 4)

Stranded on an Island

Looking back at my MBA experience so far, I was thinking of the main themes that resonated throughout the program.  One that I kept coming back to me is the idea of teamwork.  Baylor forces teamwork in almost every class and even across classes.  The amount of teamwork and team building is what I like to compare to being stranding on an island.

Why compare teamwork to be stranded on an island?  Here is a hint: it has nothing to do with Wilson, but rather I believe that if there is a way off the island, teambuilding-mainthen you have to utilize everyone’s strengths to survive.  People are accepted into the program with a variety of backgrounds and skill sets.  This melting pot of thoughts and experiences allow the team to build upon strengths to make something even better.  Graduating is the goal of the MBA and joining together as a Core can benefit the whole group to make getting to graduation that much easier.

As you begin your MBA or complete the remainder of your MBA, focus on your colleagues and work together to achieve an outcome that you could not have produced by yourself.

Sic ‘Em Bears


Top Tools for MBA’s

So I am reading a book about how to organize and tidy my place up (nerd, I know) and was thinking about what all do I actually need to get by right now.  Let’s start with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and work from there.  Food, water, shelter and clothes.  Check.  Besides the basics, I really wanted to consider what I needed to get through the MBA program and here is what I found.


  • Laptop – There is not a day where I do not use my laptop.  Get one that is going to make through this year and a half with ease.
  • Smart Phone – Email, To Do list, Calendar, Snapchat and Games.  Just make sure the ringer isn’t on during class!
  • Noise-Cancelling Headphones – Ever try to study in a room full of people playing ping pong and talking about their upcoming test?  Trust me.  Spend good money here to help you focus.


  • Emergency C – Lack of sleep + Stress + Poor eating habits + Texas weather = Constantly sick.  This stuff can be a lifesaver.
  • Salonpas – No, I am not 65, but all the stress creates sore muscles that need something stronger than a simple massage.


  • HEB Rewards Card – Cheaper gas, coupons on purchases, what more can you ask for?
  • Starbucks App – COFFEE, enough said.
  • Amazon Prime – 2 day shipping will save you on some reading quiz that you forgot about.

These are just a few so let me know if you have any other products that really help you get to graduation!

Sic ‘Em Bears

Job Search Burnout

When you get to the point in your job search that you know what questions come next on the ATS(Applicant Tracking System), you are probably burnt out of the whole process.  Making resumes and cover letters can be exhausting not to mention a full time job on top of a large course load.  While the extra work is hard, most people have issues with getting rejected over and over and over.  The job search is hard, but you can do it.

Here are some tips that have helped me and others push on:

  • Reach out to MBA alumni and other Baylor alumni.  It is a great way to have an easier win since there is a common ground.
  • Utilize your own network even if switching career paths.  People that you have worked with in the past know what you are good at.  This in turn provides a high degree of support for you and allows others to help you in your search.  Let people know what you want and they will help you look!
  • Drop the online applications and focus on human interaction.   Make calls, go meet recruiters, message people on LinkedIn seem to make much more of an impact than applying blindly online.
  • Take a short break.  Applying every day can be rough as you feel that you are not gaining any ground.  Take a step back and come back in a few days with a new approach.

The value of a Baylor education is real and the network of alumni is vast.  You will find a job, so keep at it and it will happen!

Sic ‘Em Bears!

Ping Pong

Ok, just imagine it has been a long day of classes and you just need to take your mind off of school for a few minutes before that group meeting starts. Where are you going to do that?

Well at Baylor, we have an awesome(albeit warped) ping pong table where you can do just that. There are always games inping-pong between classes, except on tests days.  Finding a competitive partner to play with can help you get into the game and enhance your mad skills.

School is great and challenging, but there needs to be a mix of learning and relationship building.  The grad ping pong table exemplifies this ideal.   It allows for competitive interactions that business school students thrives off of and a chance to get to know your classmates while winding down a little.

So come play a game and try not to be late for class!

Sic ‘Em Bears!

GBA Networking Event

On 11/4/2016, GBA (Graduate Business Association) is hosting a networking event with Dean Terry Maness and the Baylor Business Advisory Board. This event, created by GBA, is an effort to allow students to mingle with 25 executives from top firms that happen to love Baylor. It just seems fitting that students and advisors to the business school interact and learn from each other.

I think at Baylor we have such a supportive and encouraging environment to launch our careers.  The professors are there to answer questions, we have opportunities like this to network, and we amazing alumni that work all over the world that will always help another Baylor Bear.  I really hope this event continues over the years and it benefits everyone involved.

If you currently in GBA, I hope you will join us this Friday for the networking event and help us make this an event a tradition!

Sic ‘Em Bears

Almost There!

We are in the home stretch of the semester and the last 5 weeks are upon us.  Some days it seems like the work never ends, but soon enough it will.  And while you are excited for that time, I urge you to really buckle down these last few weeks and make it count.  Wayne Dyer once said, “It is never crowded along the extra mile.”  He is right.  When a lot of people run out of steam, that is your opportunity to push hard and prove to yourself and others that you can do it.go-the-extra-mile

So go out there this week with the goal of pushing hard over the next few weeks to finish school, GA assignments, job search activities strong!

Sic ‘Em Bears!



What’s Really Important

Last week, I had Taco Tuesday scheduled with a good friend of mine.  The problem was that on Wednesday I was leaving for a career fair and was trying to get all my homework done ahead of time.  I sat down earlier in the afternoon and by the time I looked back up, it was 8:30pm.  I completely forgot we were supposed to meet.  Panicked, I called up my friend and apologized for my faux pas.

I ended up scheduling dinner later that week, but the interaction got me thinking about relationships and grad school.  It is so easy to get caught up in all the homework, projects and multitude of other things that you miss out on what is really important: your relationships.

The homework will get done, that is why you are in grad school, but if you let friends fall by the wayside they could be gone forever.  So take time to make people a priority and your grad school experience will be exceptional.

Sic ‘Em Bears!

MBA & Reading

Throughout the program you are going to learn a lot about various topics.  One medium that Baylor uses a lot is books and articles.  The level and amount of reading changes per class,  but during the course of a semester you most likely read a few books and 40+ articles.  Don’ t let this scare you because as I mentioned, it is possible!

A few tips to help you keep up:
1.Find your space to read – maybe it is just me, but I need to read at home on the couch.  It is my spot where I feel like I funny-readingread the best.  What is yours?
2.Find your medium – whether it be book, eBook or audio book find the best way that you comprehend the material.
3. Take notes! – Find time during your reading to pause and jot down a few notes on main themes or a specific detail that would be beneficial to bring up.
4.Understand where the author is coming from – this will give you a decent perspective of background and scope of the article
5.Put it in perspective – try to understand the purpose of the book or article and how it correlates with class discussion

Hope this helps!

Sic ‘Em Bears!


Whoa!  What does that mean?!? National Black MBA Association.

As an MBA looking for a career after graduation, I am looking for ways to increase my chances of landing a job.  One avenue that Baylor offers is the National Black MBA Associations annual conference.  During the week long event, two days are set aside for hundreds of companies to meet and interview potential hires.  dumonde-beignets

This year’s conference was in New Orleans, so yes there were beignets to be had, but we also tried hard to get closer to a job offer.  We all flew in Wednesday night late and hung up our suits.  Thursday was game time.  We arrived early and had our lists of companies that we wanted to speak with.  It all seemed a bit intimidating at first, but you soon got in the hang of it.  If the company liked your pitch, then they could actually schedule an interview later that day or on Friday.

Most of our group landed interviews either at the conference or on the phone the next week.  It was exhausting “being on” for that long, but well worth the time and energy to feel like I progressed my job search.

Sic ‘Em Bears!

Is this even possible?

Back in late 2014 and early 2015, I was sitting at home after work wondering if it is even possible to go back to school.  Here I was 7 years into my career, but I was searching for something new and challenging.   I had always wanted to go back to school, but did not know what it would be like to lose income and focus on school for a year and a half.

Well, my year and a half has flown by and I am graduating in December.  Let me tell you firsthand that I made the right decision.  Yes, it was difficult leaving the comfort of a job and steady pay, but I saved for this opportunity and made it everything-is-possiblework.  Yes, the program is challenging, but it was just what I needed to get a jump start on my next career.

YES! It is possible.

Life is a journey, enjoy where it takes you!

Sic ‘Em Bears!

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