Michael Ramey's MBA Experience

The Baylor MBA Program and everything it has to offer!

Month: January 2016

Baylor MBA in Africa

Lions, tigers and Baylor Bears, Oh my!

Baylor has a summer program that takes a few students to Ndola, Zambia! How cool is that?  I originally found out about this awesome trip from our Operations professor, Dr. Van Gray.   He mentioned that a small group of students have an opportunity to go to Africa and work alongside the local university in a consulting project.  Previous trips have toured local manufacturing facilities and learned key leadership skills from providing assistance to the local students.

The trip is in place or in addition to an internship during the summer.  Not only does this trip provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but it also gives you an international perspective.  With today’s global economy, having that experience and/or perspective can take you to new heights.

Our trip leaves on May 31st and comes back June 21st.  The first part of the trip is devoted to the students and consulting project.  After a little over two weeks at the university, you then spend a few days at Flat Dogs Camp and go on safaris.  This trip looks to be a highlight of my experience in the MBA program and I hope you consider it as well.

Sic’ Em Bears!

Focus Firm

One aspect I really wanted from my MBA experience was real world application. I feel like for a MBA program to be relevant, it must include projects or classes that deal with current business issues. This gives each student the chance to problem solve outside of a textbook setting and an organization to gauge the talent in the specific MBA program. At Baylor, we call this class Focus Firm.

Each semester a new organization is selected in which the students are tasked with solving a pressing issue or issues.  We meet twice a week like any other class and are guided by both the firm and our faculty.    Teamwork and communication are key in this class.  You are typically broken up by issues so that each group can provide their own  innovative solution.

This semester our class was presented with a very fascinating Focus Firm project.  We are helping develop a strategic plan and solutions for the economic development team in North Bay, Canada.  While this may seem like an odd choice, it does have many perks.  This is true international experience for one.  Also when we are looking for jobs at firms after graduation, we could be involved in setting up new offices and having to work with an economic development team.  Having this experience will allow us to know what to look for and what questions to ask.  Finally, we are having with true politics and decisions that can make a huge impact on the community.

This type of experience does not come without a lot of legwork on Baylor’s behalf.  The faculty has done a great job of building up this class to really help the students succeed now and in the future.

Sic ‘Em Bears

Graduate Business Association

As you pursue your MBA at Baylor, one of the many options for extracurricular activities is to join the Graduate Business Association as a board member. Everyone is automatically a member, but every semester a new board is voted on to lead the group.

GBA’s main focus is to encourage the MBA students to get together throughout the semester whether it be at a social, networking or community service event. GBA does have a Facebook page that is updated regularly and you can follow them once you are a student.

This semester I am serving as the community service chair and will be working with Prosper Waco to find a project where the students in the program can make a difference in the Waco community.  In the past semesters, GBA has partnered with Habitat for Humanity, Mission Waco and many others.

Not only does GBA provide a leadership role that you can put on a resume, but also a chance to really get to know your fellow classmates.  I definitely encourage you to be as active as possible during your time at Baylor and being part of GBA is no exception.  You chose to come to school to challenge yourself and taking on leadership roles is a very visible representation of you accepting that challenge.

Sic ‘Em Bears!