You have only a short 17 months in the MBA program and it will seem like you are searching for a job/internship a majority of that time.  To help you get through the struggle of job searching on top of all the school work, I have included some tips and tricks just for you!

#1 – Work with family, friends, and Career Management to customize your resume for the specific roles you are looking for.  Having a tailored resume and cover letter will help you with the ATS and provide a higher chance of landing that interview.  Plus having a updated and reviewed resume helps you feel confident in what you are sending out.

#2 – Schedule a set time every week to devote to job search activities.  Vitally important.  With all the homework and outside activities we seem to get involved in, it can be hard to set aside time for job searching.  Make this a priority at least once a week and stick to it.

#3 – Track it! Maybe I am a nerd, but I have an Excel spreadsheet of all the places I applied, what the job role is, where is the job located, when I applied, when I sent a follow up email and a few other key data points.  This will help you keep it all straight as you start to get emails back from the various companies.

#4 – Use your resources.  Baylor provides Handshake, CareerShift, and access to NBMBAA.  You have access to LinkedIn, your contacts(network), and the internet.  Use as many avenues as you can to increase the chances of landing that dream job.

#5 – Follow Up.  Be persistent in your efforts to reach a real person and build that relationship.  Let people know you are interested and be genuine.  Someone will take notice and hopefully hire you!

Best wishes!

Sic ‘Em Bears!