Baylor is one of the few universities with a live mascot and two cool ones at that.  Some schools try to pretend the family pet can be a mascot while others parade around their next steak, but Baylor has two live bears right on campus.  Located right across from the SUB(Student Union Building), the Bill and Eva Williams Habitat holds Lady and Joy year round.

168307_640The bears are out in the habitat about 12 hours a day where everyone can see them.  While in the habitat, the bears enjoy a water fall, dig pit, trees to climb, 3 pools, and 2 caves.  Most of the time, the bears can be caught napping in the sunlight or playing with each other.

The Baylor Chamber of Commerce is the student-run organization that takes care ofCC these animals day in and day out.  Student spend countless hours feeding the bears, cleaning the habitat and educating groups about the mascots.  Find a time to go listen to the Bear team talk about the bears.  You will learn a lot about the mascots and bears in general!

During your time on campus, make an effort to go by and see the bears a few times.  They are incredible animals and we are lucky to have them on campus!

Sic ‘Em Bears!