All posts by jeremiah_armijo1

Hey guys! This is a new experience for me as I will be keeping up with a personal blog! I am from Plainview, Tx majoring in Health Sciences here at Baylor University. Things will be a little slow at first, however, I will get into the swing of things!

Week 5 Blog

1.) Themes of the Strength Finer

A.) My top 5 strengths are futuristic, focus, restorative, adaptability, and includer.

B.) I. My futuristic strength allows me to set long term goals and visualize the outcome.

II. My focus strength allows me to stay determined on the path of my goals. I am able to lead my group and myself to the end result despite any obstacles.

III. My restorative strength goes hand in hand with focus. With any problems that arise and disrupt the path to the goal, I am able to find solutions and continue to pursue the goal.

IV. The adaptability strength supplements the restorative strength as they both require problem solving and solutions to obstacles in the way of the desired outcome.

V. Finally, the includer strength aids in the process of allowing everyone to participate and throw in ideas to make the goal easier to reach with collaboration.

2.) Understanding Strengths.

A.) On the futuristic strength, the phrase “energize others with their visions of the future,” stands out to me as the end goal is painted in the minds of both the leader as well as the followers.

B.) Of my 5 top strengths, I would like for other people to see my includer strength. I want everyone to feel welcomed and respected no matter who they are.

C.) My restorative and adaptability strength compliment each other very well. With focus allowing me to set a goal, these two strengths allow the goal to be pursued with any obstacles being defeated.

3.) Understanding Others

A.) In most instances, I feel in the place of integration/validation.

B.) I. Integration/validation would be good for deciding the positions of a team among all of the people.

II. A sports team may need to take a risk in order to win the game.

III. Questioning/Self-exploration can be utilized within the group to connect deeper with the members of the group.

IV. Dualistic awareness can be used most of the time as it consists of many strengths in various situations.

V. In my opinion, unawareness will never be effective within leadership.

C.) The journey is never easy. With many experiences and outside influences, the integration stage is slowly met with further development of leadership and skills.

D.) Taking a leadership class allowed me to comprehend the skills and traits associated with leadership. Although an extra class, the class provides long lasting life advice. However, a few other negative bumps consist of others disliking my position of leadership

E.) I feel being in the dualistic stage is a good spot to be in. It consists of an average make up of different skills and traits and overall can be utilized in most situations. I would not want to transition to another stage.

F.) Unawareness is never effective. However, at times the leader may be unaware of the needs of the followers and the main objective at and.

4.) Put It To Work

A.) A new peer group of freshman at college.

B.) The different issues could consist of nervousness, not wanting to communicate yet, homesick, etc. thus making the group ineffective.

C.) If I were trying to make a friend, I would be at the questioning stage in order to obtain information and figure out if I want to associate with him or her. However, the other could be at a different stage such as unaware and could care less about the situation at hand.

D.) Different others require different stages and/or are in a different stage themselves. Making friends has different requirements than leading a sports team.

E.) The more diversity, the better. However, sometimes the different people will have a hard time associating with you and have their own problems and stage.

F.) Using my includer strength, I would encourage the group to talk to one another and network. Discussing how connections can benefit in the long run and you never know what the person will do great in the future.

5.) What’s your number?

A.) Jim Carrey exhibits the number 7 in most of his films. HIs basic desire consists of being happy and allowing all of his characters to be energetic and full of life.

B.)However, the basic fear involves being trapped and isolated without any expression of joy and happiness.

C.) The anticipation of what is going to happen next or what he is going to do also drives and motivated the characters.

D.) I view myself similar in the way I can be outgoing and energetic at times. I also anticipate what I am going to do next thus explaining why my futuristic strength is my strongest at number 1.

Week 2 Reflection

My current involvement is at a stand still right now due to the difficulties of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore my leadership skills are not up to par and lower than my expectations. However, I plan to become more involved with in person activities in time as I struggle to adapt to such a major change. The little obstacle does not overall define my leadership capabilities though as I will persevere and do my best to overcome the hard times of the pandemic.

Week 1 Reflection

As of right now, I am only currently involved in LEAD LLC. I plant to look into and perhaps join other organizations throughout my college years and deepen my understanding of involvement and leadership. However, back at home I was involved in student organizations such as NHS and HOSA. I was also in the band’s drumline as well as in sports. The activities influenced my leadership views as I had to make sacrifices and stay committed to the organizations. I also had to hold my peers accountable for their actions. However, my leadership journey is not done as I hope the leadership course broadens my comprehension of leadership and allows me to handle certain situations better. In time, I will also get involved at college with a new life but COVID-19 makes it a little bit difficult to fully experience the changes.

Week 4 Blog

1.) What do you think…

I. When I am a follower, I prefer my leaders to have the coaching style of leadership. The coaching style of leadership has a high supportive and high directive approach. I prefer to be led with my leaders expecting my best effort and providing support not only for me but for the group as well. Therefore, the coaching style is more suitable for me as it also has both sides of the scale.

II. In order for me to be more of a directive leader, I would need to push people towards there goes with a bit more aggressiveness. However, in order for to be more supportive I should take into account the feelings of all the group and not just certain individuals.

A. An effective leader adapts to the needs of the group no matter the situation. A steady of concern for task and the people results in the most production and effectiveness. The concerns do not have to be super high, but rather a healthy balance between the two.

B. Outside influences such as past teachers, experiences, and family or friend interests can determine one’s competence and commitment. The SLII model represents the progress of development.

C. Regarding organizations, the commitment level is higher than the competence. Followers must attend meetings and important dates, carry out necessary requirements, and communicate with the following members. Therefore, the commitment must be higher than the competence.

D. Seasoned workers tend to possess D4 abilities. A person in the same position of 20 years knows the fundamentals and procedures more effectively than those who are newer. However, a lack of practice and work can slowly deteriorate one’s skills thus concluding that the D4 abilities are not permanent.

E. Although a leader adapts to the needs of the followers, favoritism should not be involved. A leader can prevent false accusations of favoritism by talking to each member specifically and explaining the needs and concerns of the group.

F. The number of followers a leader has affects the situational approach by requiring the leader to adapt and change to meet the needs of many followers and remember the situations. Whereas a leader with a few followers can easily remember and adapt.

2.) Application of situational leadership

A. In situation one, option B could be used to allow the worker to develop the needed skills while supervision occurs. If the worker were to do something wrong, the problem would be fixed as soon as possible.  Options C and D are also possibilities as the worker would have support of the supervisor awhile also incorporating his or her own work.

B.  In situation two, If I were the head of department of a new regional office, I would need to adapt to the needs of my employees. For example, a new employee would start off with easier tasks that will start him or her off slowly and get the feet wet. Whereas a long time employee of 20 years or so would not have the same position and would carry out more difficult tasks and possibly even train the newer employees in their course work.

3.) Path-Goal Questionnaire

A. After filling out the questionnaire, participative style is the highest with a score of 25 while a directive style is second with a score of 23. Then achievement oriented was 21 and lastly was supportive with a score of 19.

B. Other factors influence scores as well such as age and work experience. Younger workers with less background will not be as experiences and will need the support, therefore will fall under participative or even supportive. On the other hand, seasoned workers are able to be directive more efficiently and goal oriented.

C. Since my weaker trait usually tends to be supportive skills, I can work on communicating with other followers and get their feedback and opinions. Then use their feed back to better myself and utilize their ideas as well.

4.) Leader-Member Exchange

A. When working for a past teacher of mine, I fell into the In-Group.

B. I believe my teacher and I started with the stranger-acquaintance relationship. It was the first day of class of my senior year when I met my teacher. With every first day, there are introductions of individuals and he explained he owned a small local business in my hometown.

C. The dyadic relationship with my teacher consisted with a quality connection. When I would work late nights, he would provide some leniency on work knowing I barley had any sleep going to work all day.

D. My status was decided when I applied for his business and got the job. The business was an escape room, and my teacher needed employees to clean and run the rooms. The benefits of working him provided leniency regarding school work. There were no drawbacks and I did not attempt to negotiate anything.

Thoughts: 1.) When leading a group, I would have time admitting people who were disruptive and especially disrespectful.  Progress of work exceeds expectations when a group works together and provides collaborative ideas rather than working against each other.

2.) I could respond to these members, out-group members, by communicating with them and asking for their input. As well as ask for any changes they may be looking for.

5.) You tube Connection

A. A few examples of leadership making are acquaintances and mature partnership within the various groups.

B. The LMX theory is at work as there are many cliques that associate the individuals related to the clique as part of the in-group. While the students outside of the cliques are referred to as loners thus relating them to the out-group. Lastly, the phases of stranger, acquaintance, and mature partnership must be completed to be inducted into the said cliques.

C. A positive of the out-group consists of an individual expressing themselves in a fashion they wish. They do not try to fit in nor feel the need to be accepted. However, a con is being made fun of and the name calling that comes with being on one’s own. The same situation occurs in schools where most people feel the need to belong to a group instead of expressing their own selves.

6.) LMX 7 Questionnaire

A. My LMX 7 score reached a high of 26  points. Therefore my leader-member exchange is at a satisfying level. I tend to lean more towards the in-group and work my way towards a mature partnership phase.

B. My examples reflect a positivity about my leader-member exchange. I will solidify them by continuing to evaluate my followers and develop further mature partnerships for more effectiveness.

Week 4 Reflection

Communication is something I think I am very excellent in. I have been told by different colleagues and peers that I am a good person to talk to because I listen and try my best to UNDERSTAND. Rather than hearing what an individual states and letting the voice go in one ear and out the other is the difference between a good listener and a poor one. My first strategy in communication is allowing the other person to talk without any interruptions and immediate disagreements. I want to hear what the other individual has to say and why they feel the way they do. My second strategy involves using actions to convey my understanding for the individual. From head nodding to hand gestures, I want the other person to know that they are being understood. Last but not least, instead of arguing or calling someone out, I prefer to try and see both sides of the situation. However I could improve on other things as well. During group work, I do not reach out to my group first and initiate the conversations to meet up. I could work on this and start using the situation to advance my leadership ability. I could also work on listening to more than one person at a time instead of focusing my attention on one person. All people communicate in their own way, however, I feel my way of communication is better on average than other individuals. Some people are good listeners like me, perhaps even better, and others are better at talking and giving advice or ideas. At the end of the long, hard day, improvements can always be made for an individual.

Week 3 Blog

1.) Skills Inventory

I.  My technical skill is the highest among all three with a score of 23 and my human skill is not too far behind with a score of 21. My least scored skill was conceptual with a score of 18 and seems to be the weakest skill.

II. I feel the inventory accurately describes me because I strive to get my work done and work with tools to the best of my ability to achieve whatever goal I am working towards as reflected by technical skill. Human skill is also close to the top as I feel working together with a group allows further and quicker progression of tasks with a diversity of ideas. Since my conceptual skill is the lowest, it is beneficial for me to have the different minds working together with concepts and ideas.

III. I need to work on conceptual skills and opening up my mind to different views and ideas. It is not terribly low, but increasing it will allow me to be an all around skilled person.

IV. I plan to accomplish and broaden my conceptual skill perhaps by reading more such as different studies and articles. These writings could be the gateway to further knowledge and facts I never knew before. I could also speak to my colleagues and peers about certain topics and ask for their beliefs and opinions on different topics.

V. Models like these usually provide accuracy to a certain degree. When another person is filling it out for an individual, I feel the accuracy increases. However, as truthful as some try to be, I believe it is still a little shifted toward the positive side of an individual who is filling it out on his or her own.

2.) Leadership Style Instrument

I. From the results, I am more task oriented.

II. From previous experiences regarding my education, I have not been a huge fan of group work. I usually want to get my portion of the work done or either get the whole task done as a whole and go separate ways. I have had bad experiences where sometimes I would have to do all of the work while the lazy students still received an A. The connection I had with those types of students did not matter to me. However, I wish to change my view on groups in college and provide a deeper connection with my peers rather than just getting the work done only. ‘

III. A paternalistic/maternalistic leader would score higher on the people-oriented skills rather than the task-oriented. Paternalistic/maternalistic leaders wish to have deep connections with the group and understand where their feelings are coming from.

3.) Behavioral Approach

A. Country Club Management: A coach calls off practice because the athletes had other things to do and were exhausted for the day.

Benefits- The coach will have a strong bond with the team and have a deeper connection than usual.

Cons- The team could take advantage of the coach’s kindness which will later lead to inadequate performance.

B. Authority Compliance Management:  A boss works his or her employees to hard for an increase in production and income.

Benefits- The business will be successful with income which allows personal advantage.

Cons-  The workers will soon resent working for the boss and will eventually quit or stop producing high efficiency work.

C. Middle of the Road Management: A teacher makes her students feel safe and comfortable while also producing high grade averages and pass rates.

Benefits- The benefits can result in both in an increase of performance and relationship level.

Cons- There are no cons I can think of besides students being disobedient either way.

D. Team Management: A football captain leads his team to a state championship while also holding his teammates accountable.

Benefits- This is the highest performing method of management as it results in high level task and high level relationship scores.

E. Impoverished Management: A manager who simply does not care about the business or the employees.

Cons- The business will ultimately fail and produce no relationships or work.

4.) Case Study: Eating Lunch Standing Up

  1. Susan’s leadership falls more into the authority compliance type of management. She is concerned more for the results and production rather than the feelings and concerns of her employees.
  2. Susan’s behavior also causes a pronounced reaction from her employees because of the aggressiveness she exerts. Her leadership does not take the feelings of her employees into account but instead sees them as pure laborers.
  3. Susan should change her management to fit more of a team management or at least a middle of the road management to create both a high task and high relationship level within her leadership behavior.
  4. Susan would be a lot more effective if she changed her behavior as her results would be high and her employees are more likely to keep working for her.

5.) What Do I Think?

  1. From previous experiences, I wish to observe more of a high task level coming from the groups. A lot of the times, the group is made of good friends and acquaintances which results in time spent talking and playing. The relationship level is there, but a small shift towards task level could potentially result in a middle of the road type of management thus producing more success.
  2. Positive improvement would look like an increase in grades while also talking amongst the group to maintain a stable relationship level. Staying late to finish a project due to time wasted is something I wish would change and thus would be a start towards an improvement.
  3. Personally, I could speak to the individuals in the group and state my concerns regarding the group work. I could tell them to work and talk or finish up the task they are assigned then talk.
  4. Middle of the road management is also an effective way to go about certain situations. A compromise is essentially an agreement between all members of the group to strive for a specific goal or task.
  5. Impoverished management is never appropriate for a business or organization. Results must always be produced and some levels of connections between higher management in the employees is also beneficial. No results or connections ultimately results in failure.

Week 3 Reflection

My leadership journey initiated when I was a young child. Growing up, I loved to play sports and engage in competition. With that being said, I always wanted to win whatever I was competing or playing in.  For example, my favorite sport is baseball. The position I played in the sport was a catcher. The catcher for baseball is like the quarterback for football. The pace of the game, morale, and intensity is controlled from behind the plate. My first time behind the plate was the moment my leadership journey began. When the pitcher is struggling, the catcher calls time to comfort and motivate the pitcher to get back into the zone. I did this multiple times to try and lead my team to a well-deserved victory. From that moment forward, I utilized my skills I developed on the ball field and apply them to my every day life in an attempt to better my self as a leader.

Week 2 Blog

#1) As I handed out the leadership questionnaire prior to the  first day of leadership class, I was confident about the traits I possess. I was not as surprised at the results I received as  I am more of a dominant body. My highest scoring traits were determined and trustworthy. However, I can work on being empathic and more sensitive a I scored lower on these particular traits than others.

#2) The trait leadership is an individual who possess certain traits at birth that differentiate them from non-leaders. On the other hand, process leadership requires that individual to interact with followers and to develop the skills necessary to become a leader.

When a person is assigned to lead a particular group or organization, the process is known as assigned leadership. Although an individual may have the title of leader, the real leader may be within the group of followers that has the charisma and influence that the rest of the group recognizes. The true leader that has the respect of the group possess emergent leadership as the individual sticks out of the crowd and leads without the necessary title.

All of the styles of leadership are valid in their own way. However, emergent and process leadership stand out a bit more as these process require the individual to act and earn the place of leadership rather than it be handed to the person.

#3)  i. Referent Power: a coach who the players love and respect.

ii .Pro: The coach is able to build a better, stronger relationship with the players.

ii. Con: There will be a few players who are unable to see the coach the way a majority of the team does, thus initiating conflict.

iii. Referent power is effective when a message needs to be sent to a group of individuals that respect the person in the authoritarian position.

i. Expert power: a historian who understands the an ancient artifact.

ii. Pro: The historian is able to earn the respect as the followers become interested in what information is being shared.

ii. Con: The followers have to be interested in the topic or there is no authority.

iii. Expert power can be effective when a group becomes interested in the topic and thus will seek out the individual who can provide the information which in turn earns respect and admiration,

i. Legitimate power: the president of an organization who enforces principles and rules.

ii. Pro: Whatever the person in the legitimate power says must be carried out and enforced.

ii. Con: The group of followers may not agree with the decisions made and in turn lose admiration for the leader.

iii. Legitimate power is effective when a group cannot come to a consensus on a certain topic, thus a person with legitimate power will authoritatively make the decision.

i. Reward power: a manager who acknowledges the hard work of the employees.

ii. Pro: The manager is able to build a sense of friendship and equality while maintaining the position of power.

ii. Con: Although an equal playing field is made, the employees may seek this as an opportunity to begin slacking off and lower the quality of work.

Reward power is effective when the moral of the group needs to be boosted and confidence must be reinforced.

i. Coercive power: a teacher puts a student in timeout during recess for misbehaving.

ii. Pro: The student is able to reflect on the decisions made in the future which prevents the problem from happening again.

ii. Con: A negative relationship begins to form as the individual may possess hard feelings toward the leader know for being punished.

iii. Coercive power is only effective when necessary and to teach discipline among the group to prohibit any problems from repeating again.

i. Information power: a student who took the test before the other students has information power.

ii. Pro: The person is allowed to decide who gets the information if the individual seeking the information deserves it.

ii. Con: The individual with information power has the ability to get what he or she desires in exchange for the information thus resulting in unethical practice.

iii. Information power can be effective to drive up the competition and develop one to further their knowledge.

All of the different types of power are unique and effective in their own way. Depending on the role and circumstances of the situation one may be effective more than the other.

I most align  and work best with referent power because my following tend to feel welcomed and respected thus in return adore me and admire my position of authority.

#4) Masculinity stands out as a trait to me as it refers to male personnel when females are just as capable of being a respectable leader.

Intelligence, responsibility, and motivation overlap frequently than others thus making these traits a common characteristic of successful leaders.

The traits are consistent with my notions of leadership except for a few such as masculinity which eliminates potential leaders from the equation.

#5) Personally, I would add respectful to the list of traits. Respect is my favorite trait as everyone deserves to feel welcomed and be treated equally. If the leader respects his followers, then the followers will respect the leader just as much and maybe even more.

From the list of traits already present, determination would fall into first place in my necessary traits. No matter the circumstances and obstacles, a leader with determination will find a way to pursue the desired goal.

However, as we limit leadership to mere traits, the view of a leader becomes limited as well. Characteristics and traits are a huge part of a leader but do not entirely make a leader. For example, a leader can be within your group who works hard and lets his or her actions speak rather than leading verbally with commands.

I also believe leaders develop and perfect these traits over time through experiences and environmental influences.

#5.5) Neuroticism traits consist of depressed, anxious, insecure, vulnerable, and hostile. These traits can hinder an individual due to the negative reactions he or she may have towards a certain situation and do not make a suitable leader.

Extraversion traits involve sociability, assertiveness, and having positive energy.  These traits can help a leader as the leader always has a good thoughts and allows the group members to have just as much of a voice.

Openness traits tend to be informed, creative, insightful, and curious. These can also help a leader as he or she will possess knowledge and find more than one solution to a problem.

Agreeableness traits consist of being accepting, conforming, trusting, and nurturing. These traits can benefit a leader as they are more understanding but on the other hand, hinder a leader as some individuals may take these traits as a sign of weakness.

Conscientiousness traits tend to be thorough, organized, controlled, dependable, and decisive. These traits can also assist in leadership as the individual will be organized and thoughtful before making an important decision.

I tend to consist of extraversion traits. I can lead while also taking input from the group and take in their ideas. I also try to stay positive and make everyone feel welcomed.

Emotional intelligence should also fall under the category of agreeableness. An individual who is understanding and comforting to others, recognizes their feelings and takes them into consideration.

#6) Recruiting for the Bank.

i. Pat is looking for the correct characteristics to fill in the certain position. Confidence and initiative are also key throughout the chapter as the individual possess a sense of motivation for the position.

ii. The retention problem created by the higher upper management forces Pat to raise his recruitment criteria. Through the leadership process, the individuals are able to construct a better understanding of leadership thus allowing them to perfect their skills and traits of a respectable leader.

iii. If I were Pat, I would also be a little more strict on the qualifications in individuals to recruit. The traits required from an individual are necessary to be a successful leader in the position.

Week 1 Blog

As I settle into a new lifestyle and prepare for future experiences, I was curious as how to get involved on campus and which groups or clubs to join. The Late Night event, hosted by various organizations, provided information about the interests of many groups.

The first group I learned of was Alpha Epsilon Delta. The organization has a prestigious  background and welcomes all medical students.

The second group was different from what I was looking for, however, it was still interesting to attend. The American Marketing Association allows students to develop and sharpen their skills in the field of marketing.

Last but not least,  Baylor’s Activities Council.  The council groups together with other organizations and constructs phenomenal events such as Christmas on 5th and Lunar New year.

However, due to COVID-19, these amazing organizations may have to wait until the future.